(Bobs death scene the song is on top ^)
Your P.O.V
Tears were coming out of your eyes you never cried before but nobody noticed Joyce was screaming and hopper dragged her out "hurry up (Y/n)!" the echoes of hoppers voice was heard I watched the demogorgons eat him then I screamed breaking the windows and the doors.
"NO!" I screamed causing the demogorgons to fly mike ran to the door I made a shield around the doors so he couldn't get in.
"(Y/n)!! What are you doing!?" "Mike I know I told you to trust me but I broke that trust I'm sorry..." the demogorgons tried to get me but I put a shield around me as well "what are you saying?!" Mike shouted.
I put my hand on the door mike put his hand there to on the other side I looked at mike and I smiled a little "Good bye mike...".
"NO NO NO YOUR COMING WITN US YOUR COMING WITH US!!" He banged on the shield tears rolling down his face "don't do this (Y/n)!! Please!". He kept screaming
"Kid we gotta go!" Hopper shouted "NO NOT WITHOUT (Y/N)!! PLEASE!!" Hopper loked at me I nodded at him meaning to take Mike away. He picked up mike "NO LET ME GO!! PUT ME DOWN!!" He was now sobbing.
They got in the car driving away I turned back to the demogorgons and I closed the force filed I look at bob then my hands turn into fire as I scream about to attack.
Mike's P.O.V
I never even got the chance to tell her I love her...I never got the chance to kiss her I never got the chance to confess to her....now she's gone...
Tears were rolling down my face she's gone
Damn it
DAMn it
"DAMN IT!!" I kicked the seat of the car pissed I was mad and sad....do I love (Y/n)? Or do I love El? What's the point there both gone now
There both gone what is there to love left?
(Sorry its short cause it's sad love you guys don't worry this isn't your death spoiled you a little)

Eye's (Mike Wheeler X Reader) Çømp£ët€d
Fanfiction{own the cover yesh} "El.....is a liar mike she's hiding my past and hers" " then tell me who you are I knew you since we were babies tell what happened that day you disappeared I want to know you can trust me."