25. 😭Losing And Finding😢

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Mikes P.O.V
It's been a year since (Y/n) died I'm 16 now and her birthday already passed. I was so depressed about the funereal just someone mentioning her name. People ask me do you miss El or do you still love El. I don't even care for her anymore she took something special from me something that I can't get back. I hate El now I hate her guts after what she did. El disappeared I. Don't know what happened to her but if she ever tries coming near me she's gonna have a bad time.

I look out my window it starts raining I sigh and get a razor out of one of my dressers. I started cutting myself (IM SORRY IF IM BEING EMO I AM EMO POTATO!) I wince at the pain and let the blood drip from my arm I put it away. I heard a knock on the door "mike....its Dustin we were wondering if you can come out of your room and come play D & D" "no...im fine" I say putting a hand on my cheek still staring outside "come on mike you've been in your room for like 3 months almost the hole summer! Your gonna have to get out before you know it" he says I sigh and hear his footsteps going downstairs.

Maybe I should get out more but I feel like im trapped in a bottle I look outside my window and see like a bright light from a far away distance me so curious I run out of my room and go outside I hear my mom calling me I pass dustin and the boys and max(max doesn't count as a boy) I run I don't know why I just felt something in my stomach that I knew that bright light had to involve (Y/n).

Dustins P.O.V

I watch mike run past us "mike!?" I shout his name he said noting and he headed to the forest so me lucas and the others decided we should follow him. So I ran after him. It took us a while to catch up to him until he stopped "Mike why the hell are you here?" I say he ignores me I see a big egg it had goo underneath it and there was a crack and this red or whatever yellow glow was shining through.
"What the hell?"

"What the hell?"

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Mikes P.O.V
I look at the egg and then it starts cracking more I can see a human inside of it because of the light I didn't care anymore I started breaking the egg "mike don't do that!" will says I didn't care I wanted to see what was inside I kept taking it apart and once I did I seen the one and only (Y/n) (L/n) she was filled with a bunch of goo I didn't care I had her in my arms again "(Y/n!)" I pulled her out everyone's face dropped I hugged her closed I heard her breathing I felt her heart beat against my chest "shes alive!" I started crying.

Everyone surrounded me and gave me a group hug

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