{own the cover yesh} "El.....is a liar mike she's hiding my past and hers" " then tell me who you are I knew you since we were babies tell what happened that day you disappeared I want to know you can trust me."
I run in the woods trying to make it back to Wills house I see the demogorgon about to attack I use my powers and throw fire at it causing it to go through the window I breathe heavily. I go in the house and slowly open the door.
Everyone's jaws drop shocked they probably thought I was dead. My eyes turn into rainbows which ment I was happy and I truly was.
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I look at mike he was in total shock he ran up to me and hugged me "(Y/n)! I thought You didn't make it" "I would never break a trust Michael..." he hugged me tighter "I hate you.." he said sarcastically.
We pulled away and looked at each other "um (Y/n)" Lucas said "yeah?" "While you were gone will communicated to us and this is what he Said " I looked at the paper and it said 'Closed Gate' "what does it mean?" Mike asked "I have an idea" "we take Will somewhere where he doesn't know where he is he said he didn't like heat right use heat then I will go back to the lab and close the gate" "good idea!"
Mike said he actually agreeded with you for something. "Alright lets do this then" hopped slapped the table lightly to get me and the others moving.
~Time skipped shortly~
"Are you sure you will be ok?" Mike asked I nodded "I will be fine mike don't worry....." "I was wondering something?" "Hm?" "I was wondering if you could go to the snowball with me this year?" "Yeah..." mike smiled and hugged me I hugged back "please be careful..." "I will".
Narrators P.O.V
You and hopper drove to the building you enter it you marched like a solider (literally) and when you made it to the portal you used all your power to close it blood.
Blood was coming out of your eyes your nose your mouth and your ears when you fianlly closed it you passed out dead cold on the ground.
Did you trap Eleven inside?
Is she still alive?
Who knows?
The snowball//
Your P.O.V
This is what I wore
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(I think it's cute in my opinion I is sorry!) I put a little make up on and left my hair down covering a little bit of my bangs.
I called Steve (mom) so he could pick me up and once we go there? Well.... "like a lion" he purrs I make a weird face expression like wtf expression then I quickly get out of the car.
I open the gym doors and look around the room seeing almost everyone there I looked at the only one mike's wheeler he was shocked my eyes turn into the heart one again.
Fuck there's that feeling again
I walked up to him and he did the same "you look beautiful...." "thanks you don't look to bad yourself" he chuckles "um wanna dance?" I nod the music I mean staring at mike was kinda of awkward but everything was perfect.
"Your eyes" he mumbled "what about that?" "There shaped of hearts?" "Um...." I started getting nervous I didn't know what to say. Then mike looked at my lips then back at my eyes I did the same thing. We leaned in and kissed it was short but passionate I pulled away quickly looking at him.
I didn't feel the spark for him.....
I don't understand?
"I didn't feel it either it's ok...." mike looked at the ground disappointed it seemed like he felt the spark but he lied to me.