Your P.O.V
Its been a day since I went to school I felt like I could never face the boys again. I sigh and get ready for school.
I leave the house on my bike "Hey (Y/n!) I seen mike he smiled brightly I shot a glare at him his smile turned into a frown "what's wrong" I ignore him and keep riding my bike "(Y/n)!" He goes in front of my bike which caused me to stop.
"What did I do?!" "You know exactly what you did wheeler!" "No I don't!" "You told will everyone my secret my life story when I told you to tell no one but you run off and go tell someone else it was between me and you!"
Mike looked at me confused "I never told anyone" "yes you did mike I heard you I seen you!" "But I never said that!" "See your lying again just tell the truth!" "Fine if you don't believe me then were done" "fine I guess we are done I don't even wanna date a liar anyways oh what was your saying friends don't lie huh? Look who's lying now!".
I walk away I didn't feel that happiness not anymore what I didn't notice was the boys were with him "fine be a bitch I never would wanna date one anyways!".
RageI clenched my fist making them turn into fire I turn around my eyes black with fire coming out.
Mike gulped with fear
I held up my hand started burning him alive but inside his body.
Mike screamed he fell to the ground "(Y/n) Stop!" six said grabbing me but that didn't stop me I kept going tears were rolling down his face now "he said stop!" jane through water on me which caused me to stop I could of killed mike.
I screamed in pain "mike holy shit!" dustin shook him he said noting he was
(go down)
passed out I looked at him my eyes turned blue I looked at the ground
sixs P.O.V
I bit my lip feeling really bad I didn't know this would happen like go to far maybe I shouldn't have listened to Janes stupid plan I sighed I turned to (Y/n) who was already gone.
Your P.O.V
I ran crying everyone is defiantly gonna hate me
even mike

Eye's (Mike Wheeler X Reader) Çømp£ët€d
Fanfiction{own the cover yesh} " a liar mike she's hiding my past and hers" " then tell me who you are I knew you since we were babies tell what happened that day you disappeared I want to know you can trust me."