Mikes P.O.V
I didn't want to let her go not at all......
She is the one (Y/n) Is the one I need
All of the feelings I had for eleven just disappeared.
I have nothing to do with eleven (Y/n) is my life now she's all I need I need her......but she probably doesn't feel the same way.....
I pulled away from the hug and looked at her gosh (I don't say gods name in vain I'm a child of Jesus Christ if you woreship Satan get the fuck out! ;-;) I just wanted to kiss her but. I never can never I can never ever show my true feelings towards her.
"It's ok mike......now you know the truth I am the monster of course-" "no that's not true! Your not a monster you saved me your talent caring strong and even if you don't show it. Your the sweetest girl I ever met and I'm glad you came into my life!".
I wanna make her happy....
I want to hold her and keep her safe.....
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I looked at him I can tell he was being serious all I could say was "Thanks..." I get up and looked at him "we should get back home because the boys are probably waiting" Mike nodded in agreement and followed me.
We went through the portal and back to his house "hey mike" "yeah?" "You can't tell any and I mean anyone about me and the portal especially Will the only person I can trust right now is you and six".
Mike rolled his eyes hearing six name his probably jealous I shrugged it off I went down to the basement seeing the boys were already down there "took You guys forever where were you two?" Six asked.
"I bet they were kissing" Lucas made kissing noises and Dustin wiggles his eyebrows "in your dreams" I roll my eyes irritated already.
I sit on the couch crossing my arms six sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist that's normal he does it to me a lot not like I care but. "What's wrong you seem off?" He asked with a worried expression I shrug "the boys they irritate me" he chuckles "I know how you feel".
Mike's P.O.V
Rage just rage field my hole body I watched six put his arm around her.
How dare he I swear if he tries to make a move I will-
"Mike are you ok?" Dustin asks Lucas looked freaked out "what?" "Um your veins just popped out?" Dustin asked I looked at me arm. I guess I was pissed off to that point where my veins did pop out (lady's don't piss Michael wheeler off).
I looked back at six and (Y/n).
I'm not letting her take her away from me
Never I won't let it happen.
(Oh shit this shit is getting intense 😏)
I got up leaving the room and slamming the door so loud that it dropped the board game.
(Y/n)'s P.O.V
What the hell was mikes problem?
I looked at the board game and helped the guys pick it up "I'm gonna go check on mike ok" they nodded. I walked to his room and slowly knocked on the door.
"What?" "It's me (Y/n)?"
"Go away!"

Eye's (Mike Wheeler X Reader) Çømp£ët€d
Fanfiction{own the cover yesh} "El.....is a liar mike she's hiding my past and hers" " then tell me who you are I knew you since we were babies tell what happened that day you disappeared I want to know you can trust me."