Sixs P.O.Vits been 3 months since that happened
I was so pissed I just wanna break mikes face oh don't worry mike she isn't gonna be yours for long I gotta think of a another plan.
I felt something lightly touch my shoulder I turn around and see the one and Only Jane "what?" "you want to be with (Y/n) right?" I nod "I can help you" "really!?!" "on one condition you need to help me get with mike" she said.
I smirked and nodded "ok what do I have to do?" "so you can turn into any shape or person you want right?" I nod "yes?" "I need you to turn into mike when his not with his friends and you can tell will all her secrets she told him ok?" I smiled and nodded "yup I'm on it" "good that will make them break up" I nod and walk away I spy on the boys and mike.
mike finally finally leaves I smirk and use my power to turn into him I wipe my nose and walk up to them.
your P.O.V
its been like 3 or 4 months since me and mike been dating I was walking down the halls and I saw mike talking to the boys I listened and I know I shouldn't be listening to there conversation but I'm curious.
"so is she fine with you telling us her secrets and life story?" "I don't thin (Y/n) would mind I mean seriously its not a big of a deal".
just rage took over me
I was pissed off
I clenched my fist walking away he lied to me he promised he wouldn't tell anyone now the boys are gonna think I'm a freak.
mike wheeler is a liar.....

Eye's (Mike Wheeler X Reader) Çømp£ët€d
Fanfic{own the cover yesh} " a liar mike she's hiding my past and hers" " then tell me who you are I knew you since we were babies tell what happened that day you disappeared I want to know you can trust me."