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     The Senka Maiden is born once every century, a mortal woman with a demon god's soul. Legend states that if a demon were to eat of her flesh, their strength would be increase by a hundredfold, drink of her blood, they will be granted eternal youth and never perish, but if they married her, their clan would flourish and their child blessed with immense power. At least that's what my great-grandmother used to tell me when I lived in America; it happened to be one of the more intriguing Japanese legends that she used to share with me when I was younger. As of today, for another matter, I was moving some boxes into our new home in Japan. My aunt got a promotion and wanted to be closer to her work while my sickly mother stayed at home, luckily I happened to have taken up some lessons on Japanese and the customs here to be as respectful one could muster.

     Carefully carrying a large box of stuffed animals to what we decided would be my room, which was up a flight of stairs and the last door to the left, my mother was going to be the one door to the right just across from the bathroom. She'd always preferred to be close by ever since my father's death; I was only seven at the time. I never forgot how she looked once she got the phone call from the hospital. They said it was an accident as he was walking home one late, stormy night when a drunk driver drove past a red light. Mother never seemed to recover from the shock because even now, she'll speak of him like he was still here with a far-off look in her now dull brown eyes.

     My aunt's room would be down on the first floor, the first door to the right when you entered through the front door. She does her best to support us; she moved in about a week after the incident to keep an eye on her sister. Walking closer to the house, I notice it's a decent size for the given price, still carrying the box as I made my way to the front door.

     "Looks bigger in person, huh, (______________)?" My aunt cheerfully called out to me. She always seemed to know what I'm thinking at the exact moment.

     "Yeah, if I didn't know any better, I would have said it was haunted or something," jokingly, I reply as I took a pause, taking glances between her and our new house.

     "Don't worry, I made sure to check the history beforehand, and I can proudly say that it's not haunted," she grinned from ear to ear. "And on top of that, I made sure the movers were here to move in the more heavy stuff, so all we need to worry about the lighter stuff," she added with a casual placement of her hand on the hip.

     "That's great news, aunt Jewel. Then once we are finish bringing in these boxes, what are we going to have for lunch?" I asked as I back peddled towards the front porch, my mother slowly stepping out of the vehicle from the passenger side.

     "I can go shopping later," My mother softly spoke as she walks to the bed of our large pick-up truck. "I can make one of your father's favorites, stir-fried beef, and vegetables." she hummed as I smiled sadly to myself while ignoring the slight tinge of pain in my chest.

     "That would be great, Annie," My aunt walked over to my mother while placing her hand on her sister's shoulder, "I'll go with you once we finish here." She added before taking a box and making her way to the front door.

     Twisting the knob and pulling back the door, I walked in, and my eyes widen slightly at the sight of the interior. I could feel the excitement of moving to a new place rushed through me at that exact moment; everything looked terrific so far.

     "I wonder what my room looks like!" With that, I hurried upstairs to where I knew my room was. Grinning from ear to ear, I threw open my door with a soft gasp of awe. It's enormous compared to the one I had back in the States!

     I toss the box to the side before leaping onto the already made bed without care, giggling to myself as I hugged my pillow in delight. I felt a moment of nervousness as my mind wandered to how I was going to cope with going to a foreign school, along with international students and teachers. 'Would I even be able to make friends here? Would I also be able to live here happily?' These were but a few of the thoughts that I had before they brought me crashing back to reality, making my way back downstairs to help with the rest of the boxes that still needed unpacking.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading thus far, and if you want to support this fanfiction.

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