Chapter seven: The Groups Reunited, Reader's Decision!

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      "They can," Shino spoke as all too familiar Inuyasha walked forwards followed by the others behind him, a smile pulled at the corners of my lips as I felt tears pooling at the crossroads of my eyes. 'They're okay!' My body felt heavy, and everything hurt. I fought against the sudden feeling of fatigue.

     'M-My visions getting foggy.' I struggled to keep standing as I swayed on my feet.

      "(________)! Are you all right?" Kagome's voice yelled loudly towards my direction as I fell to my knees, 'Tired, I feel so tired all of a sudden.'

      "K-Kagome. I'm alright, see?" I spoke as loudly as my voice would carry while she ran towards me. I notice Shippo perched himself on her shoulder the closer they got. I could see their attire had been torn and dirtied, but they all appeared to be alright.

      "What happened? How'd the spell suddenly disappear?" Shippo squeaked, I notice that they held a mix of worried and confused expression on their face as Kagome kneeled before me.

      Shino moved to sit beside me while keeping his glaring gaze towards Zenki, who returned one towards our direction with intense and menacing eyes. Another figure flew just above the tree line towards Zenki. Looking closer, I could make out the details of a male character with large black wings from it's back. Black hair pulled up into a high ponytail and porcelain white skin, 'It's the same guy that was fighting against Inuyasha!'

      "Houki, having trouble slaying a mere half-demon?" Zenki mocked at his companion, who looked equally handsome. His emotionless expression turned to one of annoyance within an instance, his iris pitch black like the pupils and seemingly soul-less.

      "Hold your tongue, Zenki, I would have finished him off if it weren't for your medaling games." The one addressed as Houki spoke with bitterness laced in his almost soft voice. It made a shiver run down my spine even though it hadn't been aimed towards myself personally.

      "So bitter, anyway, what do you suppose we should do about them now?" Zenki's eyes landed on the group below as he twirled his long knife in his hands while his face held a bored expression. "Should we wait for Jiro's order?" He went on, Inuyasha's demeanor seemed to be getting agitated by the second. Zenki held his knife while the black blade glistens with evil intent.

      "Are ya done yapping or what?!" Inuyasha growled as I struggled to stay conscious, 'I don't want to be a burden again!'

      "(________)!" Kagome's voice called out to me once again, making my tired eyes stay open longer as she reached out towards my body, 'What's wrong, Kagome?' My mind's spinning as I turned my body to gaze up towards her. Shino loudly barked as I struggled to pay attention to what was happening around me. The voices seemed to be mushed together and drowned out. Shaking my head in an attempt to regain my focus while I felt arms wrapping around my shoulders, glancing upward to see Kagome's worried expression.

      "Kagome, what happens? What's going on?" I struggled to speak above a whisper as I clung to her once I felt my body start to sway.

      "We were trapped under some spell that made your closest allies appear like your worst enemy! I wasn't affected, but everyone else was!" Kagome's voice sounded so sad as I listen to her speak of the events when we split up just hours ago. "I didn't know how to break the spell; everything was happening so fast, Sango a-and Miroku along with Kirara, Shippo, and Inuyasha! I was so worried about you (________)!" Tears spilled from Kagome's gentle doe brown eyes as she held me close. I could feel Shippo's small body against my side while his tiny hands clung to my blouse.

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