Chapter eighteen: Gentle Poison, Part one!

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      The sun started to set behind the horizon as vibrate colors of gold, violet, and indigo steak across a darkening sky. I could feel the cooling wind nipping at my exposed flesh as the breeze tossed hair in every direction while both little Rin and Shino managed to make themselves comfortable on my lap. As fate would have it, they both fell into a deep slumber hours ago, and my legs and rear are already numb. Yes, there were a few brief stops along the way to where I could walk around before climbing back onto Ah-Un's broad saddle for most of the journey.

      Although this time, we haven't stopped at all to eat and rest properly. Not to mention that I haven't figure out how to notify the others about my well being. Ah-Uh obediently walks behind Jaken and Sesshomaru as my own eyelids started to feel heavy as the sun's rays continue to dwindle below the horizon. I don't want to drift off to sleep only to fall off Ah-Un's back, that by itself doesn't sound pleasant, along with accidentally taking Rin and Shino with me on my way down.

     'I just need to stay awake a little longer...' I tell myself as I rub my eyes with the back of my hands. 'Just a little longer, you can do this,' my thoughts continue as I look up blurry-eyed at the darkening sky.

      Silvery stars pepper the sky as my eyes twinkle with excitement, even though it's only been a few days that I've been trapped in this world with all its frightening and yet beautiful glory. The way the glimmering starlight dances overhead drifts my thoughts back to my own world, to Mom and Aunt Jewel.

     'I wonder, are the stars shining as brightly over there, Mom? Are you looking up at them like I am, Auntie Jewel?' my thoughts flutter on their own as the river of stars flood over my new traveling companions and me. I can't help but feel overwhelmed.

      My heart swells in my chest as I glance down from the starlit heavens onto the two sleeping bodies on my lap, subconsciously brushing a stray strand of dark brown hair from Rin's soft face. Shino's nose wiggles as his front paws twitch. I watch as Shino's closed eyes rapidly move underneath his closed eyelids. A soft whimper slips past his lips as Rin embraces him in her sleeping state, hugging his small furred body tightly as he relaxes in her arms with a smile. I wish I had my camera to take a picture of how cute they looked all snuggled up together as they used my lap as a pillow.

      "Hm..." A deep voice brings me back to reality since I didn't notice that Ah-Un has come to a complete stop at last.

      Looking up only to meet Sesshomaru's molten gold irises, that cold, unmoving gaze as his eyes then linger on the two sleeping bodies. His features soften for a long moment even when his gaze traveled and remain on my face, my heart felt like it had a thousand butterfly wings were beating wildly inside it. It's not fair. How could he be so cold then look at me with those gentle eyes? It was a sound fast approaching tiny feet rapidly tapping through the ruffling grass that seemed to snap Sesshomaru from whatever trance he appeared to be in. His eyes became cold and emotionless once again as Jaken came running towards us, frailing his staff over his bald green head.

      "Hurry up!" Jaken squawk as Sesshomaru walked away from Ah-Un's side, clearly irritated. "You shouldn't trouble Lord Sesshomaru so much, hurry up! We're resting here, Rin!" the little imp ranted on angrily as his big yellow eyes feebly glared at me and the two sleeping bodies.

      "Huh?" Rin's big brown sleep-filled eyes blinked awake, drowsily rubbing her eyes with the back of her petit fist. "Oh, hello Master Jaken," a sleepy smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she slowly sits up with Shino sliding off the saddle.

      Shino let out a yelp in surprise as he quickly scurries back up on Ah-Un's broad saddle in the apparent surprise waking from his near tumble. Rin giggled at Shino's frailing attempt to clamor back onto his perch. Rin then brought the small fluffy white dog to her chest in delight. In the short amount of time the two have been in each other's presence, they both seemed to become quite close. She made her way off Ah-Un's back, still clenching Shino's white fur body till her bared feet touch the fresh green grass.

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