Chapter three: The Sacred Bracelet of the Late Priestess Midoriko!

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     "Four souls...Four souls must become one," A voice almost that sounded like it belonged to a woman spoke softly, almost like it was coming somewhere far away.

     Opening my eyes only to see that total utter darkness surrounds me, I didn't panic even though I couldn't move along with my body feeling cold and tingly; I felt oddly calm like everything was alright. Everything is hazy as I tried to remember how I got here, along with trying to figure out who or what that voice belonged to and where. My mind kept turning up empty as I listened to the voice echo from within the void as I notice my body almost felt like it was drifting on a current of some sort.

     "Find four souls...Four souls must become one, only then..." The voice grew fainter and fainter as I struggled to understand what it was saying.

     "Only then what?" I found myself asking the nothingness as a bright blinding light shined down from above, forcing the darkness back. Warmth enveloped me once again as the current pushed my body forward towards the light. Closing my eyes once more from the harsh rays only to open them once more, staring up at a straw roof of a Hutt with my vision wobbling in and out of focus. 'H-Huh, where am I now?' My thoughts wander along with my gaze as I looked around carefully, trying to look for clues to my location.

     Movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention to the bottom edge of the door, a curtain made of straw, pushes to the side. As I studied him further, the little carrot top from being for walking in, I notice his feet were more canine-like as his tail moved from side to side while he strides in with a bucket struggling to keep it up; filled with only I could assume to be water.

     "You're awake!" His squeaky voice cheered as he placed the pail down near where my head laid. He seemed to be trying to catch his breath for a moment. Lightly smacking my lips as he turned on his heels and walked back towards the door, for a moment, I realize how thirsty I am. "Kagome, she's awake!" the little munchkin hollered outside once he pulled the straw-curtain to the side, which caught my attention once again. It's dark outside from what I could tell. 'How long have I been out?'

     "(_________)" Kagome's relief filled voice reached my ears as I try to sit up a bit, noticing a bottle filled with water in her hand as she approached me followed by the little carrot top kid. Some rustling along with soft metallic jingling, the curtain is pulled back once again to reveal the dark brown-haired woman from before. She is dressed in a traditional women's pink kimono and over it a long green skirt, most likely a "Mo-Nakama" as they called them. A strangely massive boomerang-like weapon strapped to her back and a black-haired man with thick bangs tied in a small ponytail on the back of his neck dressed in a medieval monk attire with staff in hand follows behind her. However, they appeared to be more extravagant and expensive than what I remember reading. 'Why haven't I notice their clothes before?' I felt a bit stupid as I glance back up towards Kagome as she hands me her water bottle that I'm more than happily took from her. "Here, you must be thirsty," she softly added as she took a seat next to me.

     "Thanks," I hummed as I took large gulps before letting out a satisfied sigh, "That hit the spot." I felt something lay on my lap, glancing down, it's the child once again looking up at me with big green eyes filled with curiosity.

     "Glad that you've finally calmed down, (_______)." The dark brown long-haired, her hair tied loosely by a ribbon, the woman took her seat next to my right; this close, I could see her pink eyeshadow and brown eyes.

     "Huh?" I blinked at her owlishly before turning my attention from her towards Kagome once again.

     "Oh right, you guys still haven't been introduced properly!" she clapped her hands together while holding a small awkward smile. "(________), these are my friends Sango and Miroku." She made a gesture with her hand towards the woman, and the man politely as she held a kind smile.

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