Chapter fourteen: The Secret of the Seals, Part one!

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      The next day came quicker than I could even comprehend, not to mention when the sun just started to peek over the tops of the tall evergreens; Sesshomaru seemingly deems it time to get moving again. Rin rubs the sleep from her eyes as Jaken hurries to get Ah-Un ready for the seeming random journey, which I have yet to figure it out. I could feel Rin tugging at my gown with much earnest to get me to come along, a smile blooming across her face with a hint of a sparkle in her big brown eyes. While I, on the other hand, almost seemingly felt even more exhausted than the night I decided to fall asleep, using Ah-Un's massive body as a makeshift pillow and warmer with Rin practically wedged to my side.

      "Lady (_________) you should ride on Ah-Un for a while, your body still hasn't cooped for the long journey ahead of us," Rin sputters as she holds the reigns that bind the massive beast of burden, I watch as Jaken fixes the blanket and saddle into place.

      "I'll be fine. Please, don't worry about me." I smile as I stretch my arms overhead, feeling my joints popping under strain, the fog of sleep leaving my mind as a yawn escapes from between my parted lips. A small jolt of pain causes me to visibly flinch as I bring my limbs down quickly in reflex. Rin frowns as I notice the expression 'I told you so' written across her face in plain view. "Guess I'm riding on you, big guy." I look over at the two-headed demon as I pet his nose affectionately.

      "Here, I'll help you mount his back!" Rin chirps as she hurries to my side while Sesshomaru patiently waits for us. The breeze is flowing effortlessly through his silver locks while I struggle not to fall off once I'm comfortable situated.

      "Whoa. Whoa!" I find myself clinging to the saddle while Rin leads him along, following behind her Lord in short strides.

      Jaken always seems to be scurrying to keep up with Rin while still trying to stay as close as possible to Sesshomaru without being disrespectful, of course. Rin is grinning from ear to ear while humming another made-up song she came up with on the fly to keep herself entertained. Then there's me, fighting to stay upright awkwardly on a massive two-headed green dragon demon beast thing.

      "Are you okay, Lady (________)?" Rin speaks up when she notices me struggling for a bit, a near worried look in her big brown eyes as she brings Ah-Un to stop for a moment, which gave me time to resettle back on the saddle.

      "Y-Yeah, just not used to riding on Ah-Un, yet I supposed." I manage a nervous chuckle just enough to get her to forget about my struggle, for the time being, looking over Ah-Un briefly, I notice Sesshomaru glancing over his shoulder, his amber irises watching us. Then, for a moment, I thought his eyes met mine. 'Don't be ridicules, (_______) if that happens, it wouldn't be for a good reason.'

     The beads of the Sacred bracelet started to feel warm, curious as I lift my hand to have a better look at it. The white dog centerpiece, the Inu no Kami knew as Shino, is glowing in a warm light similar to last time with the fight with the Blackwing brothers Houki and Zenki. I watch as the charm dislodges from the bracelet and grows in size right before me. To my surprise, Rin lets out a loud gasp.

      "What's happening?" Jaken squawks as he covers his face with his large sleeves by lifting his arm over his head.

      "Master Jaken, what's happening to Lady (________)?" Rin screams in both astonishment and fear as she covers her eyes with her arm.

      "I haven't the foggiest idea! Rin, stay behind me!" The little imp quickly takes his place in front of Rin, his strange-looking staff at the ready.

      I could barely make out Sesshomaru's figure moving his right arm towards the hilt of one of his swords that laid on his hip, clinging firmly to the obi strip. The bright light is now dissipating as I blink down at the medium-sized white dog sitting before me. His tail is slightly wagging while his cute rectangle ears twitch by the wind teasing his longish fur. Poor Ah-Un nearly knocks me off thanks to the unfamiliar and sudden added weight on his or more so 'their' shoulders. Shino only lets out a giant yawn with that unconcerned-about-anything-in-particular-at-all-expression which I didn't think a dog could somehow do.

      "What is the world is that?" Jaken squawks, taking one significant caution step forward with his staff raised at the ready.

      Ah-Un recovers from the shook but seems no longer bothered by the new addition residing on their back. Shino, on the other hand, had a slight inch behind his ear and decided it needs his utmost attention, scratching at it with a raised hind leg. I notice the way Sesshomaru's body relaxed as he removed his hand from his sword and his shoulders slack while straightening his posture, but he still held that disappointing look on his face. Visibly not at all pleased to be taken surprised by something minor like this as it's precise with Shino's body language that he means no malice what so ever to his traveling companions or himself.

      'I wonder if he is the type of person to try and protect someone? Maybe it's just me overthinking things or the way Rin talked about him like he's a hero.' My thoughts were interrupted by the movement in the corner of my eye as I notice Rin's slight shift.

      "Lady (_______) who or what is that? Did it just come from your bracelet?" Rin asks while peeking over Jaken's shoulder with wide, curious eyes.

      "It's a long story," I reply as the little white Japanese Spitz turns his head to let out another large yawn.

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