Chapter two: Dragged Down The Rabbit Hole

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      As it started to grow darker, Eri had to leave to go pick up some groceries for her mom, then Yuka had to babysit for her neighbor, and finally, Ayumi remembered she had band practice tomorrow so she couldn't stay. So in the end, it was just Kagome and me talking about our interest and what we like to do when we have free time, the things that she replied with were a bit weird, but I paid no mind to it cause it gave her that kind of mysterious charm in away. I fidget with my bracelet as we continue our talk, from what I've learned amongst it all was that Kagome is in a relationship with a bad boy, or at least that's what the girls kept mentioning from time to time when they were here.

      "It's getting late," I mumbled to myself as we were just making a quick comparison between our notes, "I better be heading home, Kagome." I finished as I packed up my notebook back into my bag, slinging it over my shoulder as I stood up along with her.

"Do you need help getting home? Will your aunt be worried?" Kagome asked while wearing a small, wary smile as I take out my cell, sending a text to my aunt.

      "Nah, I got GPS!" I chirped as I hold up my phone to her, "I just sent her a text, and she's a reasonable person so she won't be mad at me." I finished as I placed my cellular device back in my pocket.

      "Glad to hear it, so I'll see you later, then?" She asked with a genuine smile stretched across her lips.

      "Of course, silly." I replied with a slight chuckle, "Well, goodnight," I added as I walked out of her room, saying my goodbyes to the rest of the Higurashi household members there.

      "Be safe on your way home, (_______)" Kagome's mother spoke up gently as they waved me off, leading my bike down from the shrine.

       "Always, Mrs. Higurashi!" I replied while waving back at them as I did.

      Softly humming as I watch them retreat inside their house, taking a moment to pause as I placed my backpack into the basket that sat at the back of my bike. I could hear a twig snap nearby from my right; I turned my head instinctively to where I thought it emanated. My senses felt like they were in high alert. I narrow my gaze as I tried to focus at a single point deep in the darkness of the woods, a purplish-black smog from before floated by a tree only that it looked more substantial by how close it was this time. I felt another plus emanate from my bracelet as two glowing red orbs emerge from within the cloud. I felt cold and sick to my stomach as I stared at it, my body couldn't move as if I was frozen on the spot, I couldn't breathe as I watched the cloud change form as it moved closer towards me.

      I wanted to move; I tried to run away as I felt my body shake with fear while the smog grew bigger, changing into a nine-foot-tall red troll oni. It held a sizeable spiked iron club in its right hand, massive twist yellow teeth like tusks glisten with saliva from a nearby streetlight. The ground beneath me shook as it approached closer. The beast wore little clothing as it had on what looked to be some animal fur was tied around its waist as a makeshift loincloth. Its matted, dirty brown mane fluttered in the calm wind; it's piercing blood-red eyes never left my gaze as it loomed over me as its eyes narrowed slightly with a gunt twisting grin tugged at the corners of its mouth. I could smell it, a sour, pungent musk that could make even a vulture gag taking a step back as I tried to hold my breath, 'I can move!' without a second thought, I ran in the opposite direction, leaving my bike and backpack in the process.

       "Don't think you can escape me, woman!" Its voice gravely and horrible as I continue sprinting to anywhere but back towards the Higurashi's shrine. The ground shook more as the beast charged, raising the massive iron club to glisten from the light of the setting sun before thrusting it down and narrowly missing me in the process. The force of the blow knocking me off my feet and tumbling head over heel, landing onto my side, and slowly sat up while holding my head, trying to steady my shaky, disoriented vision. "Who would have thought following that priestess would have to lead me to such a wonderful prize?" It boasted while maintaining a wicked grin; my eyes widen as the beast picked me up with one hand like I was some plaything, it's grasping tighten as I felt it harder to breathe while it laughed at my misery.

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