Chapter fifteen: The Secret of the Seals, Part two!

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      It took time to explain what I've learned about Shino, answering all the questions labeled who, what, and where. The answers still piqued Rin's curiosity once I've convinced her and Jaken that Shino is entirely safe. On her own, she joined us on Ah-Un's back as we continued on our journey. Jaken decided to take the lead around the twin-head dragon's muzzle to guide him as he followed behind his Lord's stride.

      "Wow! I didn't realize how strong you were, Lady (_____)!" Rin gasp as she listens to my story. Surprisingly I found myself also talking about the battle against the Blackwing brothers. In a way, I decided to keep Kagome and her friends a secret, still not sure if I should be trusting them with any more information than necessary.

      "You think so?" As Shino took his place on my lap, I chuckled curl up into a ball while laying his head on my knee.

      "Sounds more like dumb luck if you ask me," Jaken muttered aloud with a slightly cocked brow, an unamused glint in his big buggy yellow eyes.

      "Oh, I didn't realize you were listening, Master Jaken," Rin spoke up with clear evidence of surprise in her voice, leaning slightly forward to look at him.

      "I was not listening! I just so happened to overhear the minor details is all." Jaken squawks hastily in near panic, tucking his talons into the large gaping brown sleeves of his kimono as he turns his back towards us with a huff.

      'He was so listening.' A half-cocked smirk slowly crept across my face as I watched him hurry along as he leads us on.

      "What are your thoughts on this, Milord?" Rin asks aloud while Sesshomaru keeps his towards us. He doesn't answer right away, which to the imp gives him a chance to respond in his Lord's place.

      "What do you think you are asking? It has nothing to do with him; in fact, why should he care about these brothers?" Jaken angrily shook his fist while glaring over his shoulder while Rin ignored him entirely.

      "Well, Milord?" Rin asks again as Jaken grumbles underneath his breath, narrowing his gaze. "They are after Lady (_____), so they might attack again." Her eyes downcast with a hint of worry lingering in her voice, Shino's ear perks as his head slightly tilts to the side.

      "Ah! You're right." Jaken blinks as he looks up at Sesshomaru with an earnest, near hopeful look as if he's trying to get a read on his Lord's thoughts.

"If they come?" Sesshomaru finally gives voice as he pauses briefly, perhaps to go over his final thoughts. "If they show themselves and they are looking to fight, I will kill them." Holding the icy tone as he spoke before continuing on his way.

      "As expected of you, Milord!" The little green imp excitedly squawks with a glint in his eye.

      "You're amazing, Milord!" Rin joins in with a wide grin. Jaken pulls on Ah-Un's reins as he tries to keep up with Sesshomaru's strides.

      I, however, didn't feel reassured. Maybe it's the way Sesshomaru casually said he would kill them without any evidence of emotion. Or perhaps I know what the Blackwing brothers can, and I don't know anything about this Lord and his traveling companions. It must be my power that I have, being born as a beacon to demons, and not having a clue how to use my abilities locked away within this bracelet around my wrist. Not too long ago, I thought I was just an average person, dull. I had a plan to become a comic book writer and maybe find someone to settle down with for the rest of my life. My mom would get well and become her old self again, Aunt Jewel would get that promotion, and we'd joke about the office.

      Grip my wrist where my bracelet laid, tucking my bottom lip between my teeth. Biting as my grip tighten, even more, this pathetic feeling of uselessness and self-pity bubbling up inside of me. Then the idea struck me once again when I glanced down to Shino as he lay on my lap and released my hand from my wrist. Meeting his gaze dead on almost as if he knew what I was feeling at that moment. It's as if some force connects us, running my hand through his soft snow-white fur, but it was like I could touch more than that.

      "You want to know more about the seals, isn't that right?" Shino spoke low; a gasp left both Rin and Jaken's lips.

      "Yeah, of course, I do!" I nod as my hand froze midway, resting on his side. I could feel the rise and fall of his breathing as I let out a sigh. "It's all that I can do till I can figure out how to get back home," I mutter under my breath as the medium size dog narrows his gaze in thought.

      "Your bracelet came from the Priestess Midoriko, the very same priestess who forged the Sacred Jewel known as the Shikon no Tama, Jewel of four souls." Shino murmured as my eyes widen slightly.

      "Really?" It felt like my whole world had shifted from those words alone. 'The shards that Kagome has, what she said before in Kaeda's hut. The voice from my dreams!' My stomach felt like it was in knots as sweat beaded on my brow and run down my cheek.

      "Aramitama, "Courage," Nigimitama, "Friendship," Kushimitama, "Wisdom," and Sakimitama, "Love." All these together form one essence in the flesh and live inside the heart. When a person contains these four spirits at their maximum, such as with Midoriko, when she cast out the Shinko no Tama, they unite to form a compelling balance within the soul that they can use for either good or evil." Shino continued, lowering his head while I listen intently along with Rin. "The seals on the bracelet are the same as these very souls I mention onto you. I was created to protect the welder since it would be passed on from teacher to student."

      "From teacher to student?" I ask out loud as I blink in surprise. 'So I'm not related to Midoriko by blood?' Holding my chin as my mind wander briefly.

      "That's right. Now before you interrupt me again." Shino lets out a low growl of annoyance, causing me to flinch my hand back in surprise. "To unlock those seals, you need to possess those souls not only within yourself but within someone else as well."

      I swallow the lump that formed in my throat as I let his words sink in. 'I need the soul of Courage, Friendship, Wisdom, and Love within me and someone else?'

      "Let me clarify a bit further, in short, find the soul within yourself and lay next to someone who possesses the same soul to unlock it completely." He finished with a huff, but to me, it felt like my whole world came crashing down around me.

     "SAY WHAT!?"

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