I Need To Do This For You

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Bree's p.o.v

skylar and Oliver have been 'dating' for a week.it's starting to get old.where in mission command trying to get in touch with the superheros but it won't let us past the firewall.not even chase can crack it."you stupid hunk of junk".chase screamed as he threw his laptop on the floor and started stepping on it.he stopped when he noticed we were staring."what, can't a man have a private moment with his computer".he said offended.we got back to work. kaz  has been on the cyber desk a while."hey kaz what are you doing".i asked."playing hunger hunger hippo".he answered."how where locked out".Oliver stated."no where not. i got passed the firewall 2 hours ago".he said."what why didn't you say anything".skylar protested."you didn't asked".he replied still playing.i swear sometimes he can be an idiot,but he is our idiot,yeah a cute idiot.what no bree one problem at a time.

"wait you got passed the firewall and i didn't".chase fake smiled through gritted teeth."am going to have Davenport scan my chip".chase stated."it doesn't matter we can get through to the superheros now".skylar smiled."look it says the first superhero is".skylar's smile faded."who". chase asked.he looked over and said."the first superhero is skylar storm".chase said."skylar am sorry you have to hear this but i think roman and riker want to destroy you".kaz said putting one hand on his chest.now he's done it,i gave him a smack on the head.  

skylar's p.o.v

when i saw my name on the list i wasn't worried."maybe they mean another skylar storm".Oliver stated as he held my hand.i hate this feeling i need to tell him the truth."it's okay am not worried".i said all perky."why is your name crossed out".bree asked.yeah that is weird."they must think your dead".chase answered.we looked a little confused."when they were going to blast me they some how knew skylar would have saved me so they tricked us into thinking they were going to hit me instead".chase continued.his eyes always sparkle when he figure's something out.it's adorable.

"we need to track down the rest of the superheros.the good news is that they haven't tracked the rest of the superheros down yet".Oliver stated."what are we waiting for lets go,yeah".kaz exclaimed as he ran off to the tunnels.he shortly came back after he realized we weren't following him."what's wrong"he asked."we need a plan".i told him."yeah,right".he said

chase's p.o.v

am so glad we got the list but we still need to find the original from Rodissiu and his family.so we made a plan on how to get the message to the superheros.we split up into teams bree and kaz and Oliver,skylar and i.of course am with them!

so where at the park where we met crossbow searching for captain atomic.then we hear that whoosh again.can't those guys jut leave us alone.then with a flash we see riker and some other girl."nice to see you guys again". he said sarcastically."What do you want,am going to assume your roman".he said."riker,how many times do we have to go through this".he said annoyed."who's the girl".i asked."it's okay just another person who doesn't love you".he replied.am not going to lie that kinda hurt.i have to stop letting my feeling get in the way."enough why are you here".skylar added."skylar storm?you told me she was dead".the girl said."she will be". riker added."not on my watch".Oliver protested."o how rude of me,this my sister Regan".riker gestured to the Regan."skylar storm".Regan grinned."you could have killed my brother roman,but it's okay where willing to make a trade".Regan told skylar."what else do you want you already have the superhero list".skylar stated.she's right they have everything they already need.what else do they want.we may need back up so i signaled bree with my chip she should be here about,well now."o who's the girl she's kinda cute".kaz said as Oliver elbowed him."now where were we,yeah were willing to make a trade".Regan said.

"what trade is she talking about".bree asked me."i don't know". i answered."well tell you".riker interrupted."this has a lot to do with skylar".riker said. skylar seemed a little worried so i moved closer to her witch seemed to calm her."you see skylar when my sister reese blasted you.she left a dooms day device in your heart which we can activate with this little button".riker said as he showed us what he was in his hand. this can't be possible.they may kidding,you know trying to trick us again, i don't believe them."if you don't believe us than scan her chase".Regan said reading my mind.so i did and there it was the dooms day device."it's there". i managed to choke out."why are you doing this. ending innocent lives".bree said. Regan smiled."o Skylar's life isn't in our hands.it's in chase's".

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