Your Not Alone Naomi

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skylar smiled when Adam called her cute."back off Adam".i said."what are you two a couple".he said smiling.

"well".skylar started

"you see".i tried to say.

"it's something".skylar and i said in unions.

"riiight".Adam winked

skylar and i haven't really established if were a couple.but i guess we are or maybe were just friends who like to kiss,hold hands,wrap our arms around each other,and cuddle."nice place you got here".leo stated."thanks".kaz replied."it's not that nice Perry lives down stairs".bree sarcastically smiled."principle Perry".leo as his eyes widened.we nodded."as in terry Perry".he continued trying to take in what he was hearing.we just kept on nodding."o boy".leo added.

the doors to the house opened and Davenport came in. bree was the first to get to him."were is my baby sister".bree exclaimed."she's right outside but she's really-".davenport was about to say until.Tasha and Naomi came in. awe my baby siter is really cute for a 12 year old.but she's looks really sad."it hurts mommy".Naomi pouted "i know sweetheart".Tasha said patting her back.Naomi then went to couch and laid down then buried her face in her pillow."life is pain".she pouted."what's wrong with her". Adam said."she just got out of a relationship with her 'boyfriend' Vincent".Tasha said. naomi removed her head from the pillow and cried."don't say his name".Naomi screamed."sorry".tasha said quickly.she turned and smiled at us."she's really sweet once you get know her".she said.boy i hope that's true.

Skylar's p.o.v

am glad chase and bree get to see there family but it make's me kinda sad.the only family i really had were Horace,Experion,Scarlet,Oliver,and Kaz. but it still hurts when i think about it.

Horace died when mighty med was attacked.

Experion betrayed me for the Annihilator.

Scarlet was turned evil by the Opposition.

and Oliver left because i didn't feel the same way about him.

but at least i still have kaz. he'll always be there for me and so will Bree and chase.everyone is having fun except for naomi she is on her phone not making any eye contact."no way".naomi screamed out.everyone turned to her."what's wrong".leo asked."Vincent is what's wrong,he has the nerve to break up with me and then text me a picture with him and Stacy Melendez at the movies that i bought tickets to".she said showing us the picture."that's jut wrong".kaz said."i know right,ugh i hate him".naomi said shutting her phone off."now honey be mature about this,don't over react like last time".davenport said slowly giving her a look."framing someone for a diamond theft is not over reacting".Naomi said Innocently.who knew kids could be so dangerous.

"remind me not to cross her".chase whispered to Adam,they nodded and faked smiled at naomi."boys don't understand the way we are.boy's are so ugh.sometimes they take the joke to far.they don't ever seem to get the hint".naomi said annoyed."you and me both sister".bree agreed.

bree's p.o.v

i thought Naomi and i  would be really close.but she hasn't talked to barley anyone.i know i missed like 12 years of her life i don't expect her to adore me but at least talk to me.i went over to naomi. she was in the terrace looking at the star's."hey".i said approaching her.she sat up."hey". she responded."the star's are beautiful aren't they".i said."yeah".she replied.she was now staring off into space."you alright".i asked.she took a deep breath.i could see she was about cry.this could be a sibling moment.this is huge.i signaled chase,Adam and leo. they came over to the terrace .when they saw naomi about to cry their faces were filled with concern.

"naomi what's wrong".chase said as he sat down beside her."i don't know,it feels like it was yesterday that i was 6 laying on the grass watching the it's just such a stressful about to go to high school".she paused Adam motioned to her to let her know it was safe for her to go on."what if i don't like high school,what if i spend less time with my parents then i already do,what if something bad happen's and i can't stop it.i still don't know if am ready to grow up.but apparently i already grown up.i don't feel like anyone is on my side or is there for just so confused about everything".she confessed while now staring to cry. Naomi was now standing up.there was a moment of silence.

am going to give Naomi what i didn't get when i started facing the world,away from the basement.someone to guide me.i took a deep breath."Okay sit down".i started. naomi took a seat."young girl thinks she has her life all figured out only to realize she had it wrong along.that was me.look anybody who say's they got it all figured out is either lying or kidding themselves.i know i haven't really been fully introduced to the world but i also know every kid your age is also stressed about the exact same stuff".i said

"she's right i know am still confused about the same stuff and am the smartest person alive and am supposed to be smarter than everybody".chase laughed on the last part,causing naomi to laugh a little."can i admit something".naomi asked."yeah sure".chase said."i don't really have any Friends because people tend to find a stuck up little rich girl who's daddy gets her whatever she wants". naomi admitted.".....yeah i don't know what to say i didn't have any friends in high school".chase confessed.i knew it. 'dooren banter' was a fake friend chase made up."it's called hater's sweetheart".i said figuring i'd be the best person to deal with this."come on you must have one friend".Adam said."not anymore,my ex best friend kinda stabbed me in the back,she spread a rumor about me all over school,she's now friends with Stacy,and Vincent was only using me cause of a dare".naomi sobbed.

i could feel her getting uncomfortable.that's the last thing i want.she need's to know that she can't be herself around us."am sorry to hear that".leo said sincerely."yeah i feel sorry for me to".naomi mumbled."naomi listen,i know we have't really been around for you but you have to know were on your side.and as long as were here there will always be someone you can talk to,someone you can trust.when i first saw daylight for the first time i was excited but i was also so scared.when i grew up in the basement,at least i knew i could protect my siblings and make sure no one hurt them.but then we saw the world.we started to grow as people and i was scared i may not be able to protect them anymore.but that's just the world,i can't protect them forever.but they learned to be there own people and face the world so did i. and i am very proud of who we have come to be and you will be proud of who you have come to be". Adam explained. did my big goofy brother just say that.

chase,leo,and i jaws just dropped.i didn't know Adam felt that way about heart just melted."thanks".naomi said she hugged adam. we all joined in soon after."we should get back inside".she smiled. that's was so touching.

when naomi left it was just adam,chase,leo and i."hey leo".i called out."yeah bree".he responded."thanks".i said."for what".he asked."we owe everything to you".i said."leo without you we wouldn't be here,if you would have never found us,told us to go to school with you .we wouldn't be here".chase said gratefully."anytime".leo smiled.we gave him a hug and went go enjoy the rest of our night.cheer's to us.

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