My dearest precious Multi,
Maybe you are wondering why I am actually bothering to write you something, but you just have to keep reading cus you will find out soon enough. 😊
I just wanted to take the time to thank you. If you had not tagged me in your RP book, Wanted Dead or Alive, I never would have discovered RPing and I would never have gotten the awesome family I got because of it. It's still one of the most unique RPs I have ever seen (it blew my mind when I first saw it) and I really love Amber's character, and that RP will always have a special place in my heart - I want you to know that. I have met incredible and weird people because of you and I love them all. SO A MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE THANK YOU TO YOU!! 😍😍😍
When I first started RPing, 7 or 8 December 2017, I have been wondering for a while why you have tagged me out of everyone. I had never RPed before in my entire life, after all. I had always wanted to, but never had the guts to actually join one. And then you came around. Truth to be told, I was actually unsure about joining, but then I was like 'just do it' and I asked you if I could be Michael. It was a challenge to be him at first, but because of the support and help I received from everyone else, I believe I pulled it off well enough.
And now I actually love RPing as the Archangel who has killed me too often to count with the stuff he does. 😂 Flooding Paris and the Great Food War for instance... I truly came to love Michael more than I already have before I discovered RPing.
Guess what? I liked RPing. Loved it even. For a long time, I had thought that Wattpad was just about reading and writing (they are both things I love) but it's more than just that, you made me realize that. It's about finding your family as well, to find a place where you belong, and because of RPing and you, I have found mine. 💖
When I once asked you as to why you tagged me I do have to admit that I never expected your answer 😂 Apparently it was because I stole all the squiggles of the stories I read for my army and you stumbled across me (cus you were reading the same stories, and thought I was funny - which I obliviously am.
(By the way, I am still taking all the squiggles I find! And it's not 'stealing', I prefer to call it 'borrowing without asking and never returning it'. A great difference, obliviously 😬)
I think I am getting a wee bit off topic here... 😅
💕Multi, you are one of the best friends one could ask for and I am glad that we stumbled into each other lives. I always enjoying RPing with your characters (Hayde was the very first I ever RPed with) and talking to you as well. I still remember our conversation about all the random stuff we talk about and I will cherish them forever. 💝
And when you asked me to update your RP for you because you would be unable to, I was shocked, but also deeply touched that you trusted me so much. I have never told you this before, but that meant a lot to me in ways I cannot even describe.
I am honored to be able to call you my friend and family 💖 I will be here for you like a... like a... like an octopus to your face!
A fabulous octopus, of course!
Hugs and knives,
- Luci, your proud friend and Grammar Devil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ps. Get well soon as well!
Pps. This note has exactly 666 words and I feel very proud of that fact he he he
Luci's Rant Book
RandomI don't even know why I am doing this... I'll just make this my rant book I guess. I will rant about whatever I feel like. It will probably revolve around Supernatural though, aka the TV-show that officially ruined my life, made me an emotional wrec...