I don't even know why I am doing this... I'll just make this my rant book I guess.
I will rant about whatever I feel like. It will probably revolve around Supernatural though, aka the TV-show that officially ruined my life, made me an emotional wrec...
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1. Tell me about your ex Nonexistent
2. Drunken story time... GO Been drunk only once. I don't remember myself, but apparently I tried to spank the butts of everyone 😂
"Being drunk is like kindergarten. Everybody knows the stupid stuff you've done except you."
3. A secret you haven't told many people It's a secret for a reason
4. A fact about the last person you kissed Nonexistent
5. Favorite TV-show Supernatural... it saved my life
6. What your last received text message says "I need a break from tags jfc" - luciferstempest
7. What last made you laugh until you cried Scoobynatural!
8. List of concerts you've attended Cannot seem to remember... eh
9. Your Christmas list
Dear Santa, I have been a good Devil this year so could you be as kind as gifting me the Supernatural cast for next Christmas? I think I have definitely deserved it. I haven't killed anyone this year after all! And don't worry, they don't need to wear clothes if that's gonna be a problem. Hugs and knives, - Luci the 'good' Devil
10. What you're wearing You perv!
11. Favorite song Don't ask me to choose
12. How you met the person you fell hardest for I hurt myself by rising out of Hell
13. I cannot read what this one says lol
14. Craziest thing you've ever done Too much to count... I have the habit of getting myself into situations
15. Jewelry that you're wearing None
16. Turn ons Watching Supernatural
17. Last awkward situation you were in I turn every 'awkward' situation into a non-awkward situation. So none!
18. Quotes you live by
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