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Tagged by darknessem and luciferstempest

Tagged by darknessem and luciferstempest

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A screenshot of a screenshot #rebel

Say 10 things
1. I got lost in Target today. True story.... I got separated from my family, panicked and knocked over a clothing rack that tackled me to the floor. The natural reaction was to hide underneath the fallen clothes so ofc I did that. Eventually I found my parents again - and kinda got kicked out of the store - so all ended well (I count this as 3)

4. Today I also walked from Brooklyn to Manhattan

5. I wanted to buy a pretty hoodie I found but it was too small and they didn't had larger ones. It made me sad

6. I am hungry

7. I like the Mango-Dragonfruit drink at Starbucks

8. I've never seen a dragonfruit before and idk what it is - but it's good!

9. I have almost 666 followers but I'm scared that I will reach it as I'm asleep and then I'll be very sad

10. Wednesday or Thursday I will go back home

A joke
My life

My Michifer fanfic titled 'Nuclear'. Michael and Lucifer will die - as well as pretty much the entire universe - except for precious little Jack. Jack will gain full control over his powers, resurrect them and fix the universe; more or less. The Cosmic Entity will be there too.


Flee stage Lucifer
*breaks a plate*

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