Chapter 7

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The day was hectic, I had to take the costumes in for Christine. So, most of the day I was sewing while Christine pacing around the room.

"You'll be fine, you have sung plenty before.", I tried my best to comfort her. I could tell that she was nerves.

"I can't do this. It was a mistake I should have never of agreed to this.", she was still pacing but know she was wringing her hands.

I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders to make her stop pacing. "You will be fine." Then there was a knock at the door and Gerard walked in. "Are you ready to start practiced?" I looked at Christine and nodded. Then we followed Gerard out the door to the stage. Yet before we walked on stage Christine stopped. She grabbed my had and pulled me back. Making me and Gerard stop to look at her.

"I can't do this.", she said with terror in her voice. I pulled a chair from the corner to let her sit.

I looked up at Gerard, and said,"I she supports to sing today?"

"No, she does not have to sing today."

"Take her down to the audience seating and I will go get her some water."

Gerard led Christine to where I told him to go and I ran to one of Erik's secret doors to get to the kitchen faster. As I ran down the tunnel I stumbled and fell scraping my leg and arm. I turned the corner and bumped into something I looked up and saw Erik.

Sorry for the short chapter. I have midterms coming up so studding for those. Please commit to tell me what you like. I also posted a new story called Writing Prompts, this a clip-bits of stories that were inspired by Pinterest writing prompts. Comment on those mini stories to let me know which stories you would like me to continue.

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