Chapter Four

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I had drawn the short straw and been left in the clinic alone to lock up. I'd made Reese go home an hour ago, she was worried about me after what went down at the club. I didn't want to see Jorel after he beat that poor Aron guy to a bloody pulp in front of my face.

I swipe the front door keys off my desk and decide to close the clinic a few minutes early so I could go home until tomorrow morning when I had to start the same routine over again.

However, as soon as I round the reception desk I let out a small shriek and clutch my hand over my chest seeing Jorel stood in the shadows of the front door. he steps out of the shadows and I take a step back out of fear.

"What are you doing here Jorel?"

Jorel sighs, "I came to apologise for my actions the other night, I didn't want to scare you, Danny."

I shake my head, "you beat some guy to a bloody pulp, how was that not going to scare me."

"You don't understand, Aron isn't a nice guy."

I snort, "he was nothing but nice to me if anything you're not the nice guy in this situation J."

Jorel closes the space between us, pinning me to the reception desk. I go to push him away but my feeble actions do nothing to deter him.

"If you knew the truth about Aron you wouldn't think he's such a nice guy Danny. If you knew the truth about anything you wouldn't be so naive."

I tilt my head to the side, "the truth about what J? No one tells me anything."

Jorel pulls back slightly but not enough to free me, "how much do you know about your birth parents Danny?"

"I was adopted when I was one; my adoptive parents said they were drug addicts and bad people."

Jorel shakes his head, "they weren't drug addicts, though it depends what your definition of bad is. In the Police eyes your parents were bad people, but in their eyes, they weren't so bad."

"Do you know them Jorel?"

"I wasn't there exactly when it all went down, but I know your dad."

I clench my fists and bring them up to punch Jorel in the chest, "just tell me the fucking truth, I deserve to know."

Jorel grabs my fists mid punch sighing heavily, "let's do this somewhere else Danny. Let's go back to yours and I'll tell you everything."

I huff and cross my arms over my chest, "fine, then let's go."

Jorel stands aside and I walk towards the front door and open it, before motioning at Jorel to leave so I could lock up. Jorel walks out and I follow after him before locking the clinic up.

We walk in comfortable silence towards my apartment. I wasn't quite sure I was ready to hear what Jorel had to tell me about my birth parents. Then again my adoptive parents didn't want to tell me much so I was pretty in the dark about where I came from. What was so secret or bad that people wanted to keep secrets from me?

Unlocking the front door, I turn on the light and then proceed to throw myself on the sofa while Jorel closes the front door and leans against it. If I wasn't in a mood right now I'd think he was pretty hot.

"We're here J, so tell me."

"Your adoptive dad used to work for the gang unit right? Well, he was in charge of cracking the infamous street gang Hollywood Undead. Your real dad is called George, or Johnny 3 Tears as he goes by in the gang. Your mum died in the Police raid trying to keep you from being taken. It killed George to lose his only son, and if I'm being honest he hasn't been the same since Danny."

Hollywood Undead (Derillo) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now