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A long long time ago

"Look, there's a new family moving into Smith's old house."

I hopped off the counter and walked over to mom. My eyes followed her gaze and saw a moving truck pulled up to the front door of the house across the street and is getting unload.

A little kid's standing there with a teddy bear in her hands. Okay, she's probably the same age as me, but she just looks tiny.

Someone nudged my shoulder. I looked up at mom. "Go over there and make some friends," she ordered with a nod towards that girl.


"Because it'll be nice for you to communicate more with people."

"I've communicated with a lot of people. "

"Remember what the teacher's said last year... you need to be less shy and interact more with others." Oh no, not again. It's not that I'm 'shy', it's just that I'm perfectly fine with me, myself and I... Alright, maybe I am a little bit of shy to approach them, but honestly, they all seem like a bunch of poopfaces, so I couldn't care less to befriend them.

"C'mon... mom..." I groaned in a whiny voice.

"How many times do I have to tell you? If you're going to continue and live like this, you'll have a big problem later when you've found yourself a job. Communicating with people is something you have to do in order to solve something or to succeed. And--"

"Okay, fine. I get your point. I'll go say a 'hi' to our new neighbor and try to be her friend. Happy?" I quickly cut her off before she could continue. I've had had that lecture umpteenth times in the past, so she doesn't have to repeat the same thing over again.

"You're doing it for yourself, not for me." She walked over to the cabinet and took out a pack of cookies, "And here, bring these cookies with you."

I sighed and did what she's said. Crossing the road, my nerves began to kick in. What the hell am I supposed to do with these cookies? Like do I have to give it to her or her parents? And do I need to say hello to her parents too? What if she doesn't talk back to me... Wow, then I would totally look like a complete fool. Can I still back out of this?

I hesitatingly glanced back at my house and saw mom giving me a warning look through the curtains. That's creepy... but I take that as a no to the question in my head. I hang my head low and shuffled my way to her. Crap, this is a lot scarier than I thought it would be.

I visibly gulped as I approached the brunette. "Hi!" My head shot up upon hearing a squeaky voice.

"Oh, uhm... h-hi." Well, I definitely didn't expect that. I went back to stare down at my shoes, but then I remembered that I'm actually holding something. "These are for you..." I said as I handed her the cookies. "You're moving into that house, right?" I asked which she nodded in response to, "Welcome to the neighborhood."

She smiled, "Thank you." I looked up and took in her appearance for the first time. She has big brown eyes, cute smile, pretty hair with a white bow on top. She also looks a lot more girlier than I do, seeing that she's wearing a little blue dress and then there's me in my sweater and a pair of sweets.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Camila." We awkwardly shook hands, "I'm Y/N. And nice to meet you too."

The silence that had fallen between us got saved by her mom, "Hello sweetie."

I looked at Camila, but she just stared back at me with raised eyebrows. Oh, wait, her mom was addressing me. "Oh, good afternoon Mrs..."

"Just call me Sinu," the woman said in her thick accent. Camila tugged on her mom's shirt and showed her the box of food. "Aww, you shouldn't have. Karla, le has dado las gracias?" Sinu gave her daughter a stern look. Karla? And what the hell did that mean?

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