Chapter 1

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Brittney at top, and just a reminder I do not own any of the photos

Brittneys pov

Beep* beep* beep*

I smash my alarm till it goes off. I get up and look at the time, 5am. I know what you guys are thinking 'bitch why the heck are you waking up at 5am when school starts at 7:30'. Well I'll tell you, my dad is actually the principal at my school, so I ride with him when we get to school at 6:30. And your also thinking 'don't you have your own car to drive yourself' and to answer that, yes, yes I do, but why waste gas when I can ride with my dad. Plus I can hang with him for 10 minutes in the car before I get to school. I'm Brittney by the way, and I'm 18. I consider myself as a tomboy, but I can be a girly girl too. I get up to take a shower, and after, I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth, then get dressed.

 I get up to take a shower, and after, I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth, then get dressed

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Brittneys outfit

I know what your thinking. 'Well if you consider yourself a tomboy why are you wearing something like that. Don't tomboys wear muscle t-shirts and jeans or whatever'. Well the thing is I act petty, dumb, clumsy, and try to sound so fake. With that I wear girly clothes, though I do have clothes I like to wear, but I only wear those when I'm not in school. Oh and why do I act that way, well I act that way because people , no offense to people that act this way, think it's annoying. I for one don't want friends or a boyfriend. I mean what's the point when you're just going to ditch them and probably never see them again when you go to college. And yes I have been keeping this act up for the three years I've been here, going on four. I do in fact hang out with the cheerleaders since ,in my opinion, that's where my type hangs out with. No offense to cheerleaders. "Sweetie come down and eat your breakfast" my mom said. I go downstairs and eat the pancakes my mom made with my twin brother. Oh I didn't tell you, I have a twin brother named Luke. We're actually really close, but we hide the fact that we're twins at school. How you say since we have the last name. Well I'll tell you, we just tell our dad to tell the teacher not to say Luke's last name, and well it works so we all good. And my brother takes his own car to school instead with me and Dad. I get up, put my plate in the dish washer and get my bag. "By lil bro" I say kissing the side of his head and head for the door. "By one minute!" I hear him say before I close the door. I chuckle and get in the car

7:20 at my locker

I've gotten all my books I'm just waiting for the girls, aka cheer squad, to get here when they do I just act all cheery and agree to most of what they say.

New kids pov (surprise)

I walk into the school about 7:10 and go to the office. "How may I help you" the lady behind the desk asks. "I'm the new kid, names Oakley Kingston. I'm here for my schedule " I say. "Oh well of course, here you are" she says and goes back to what she was doing on her computer. "She could at least shown me around the place" I mumbled while walking out. When I do I bump into a guy. "Oh sorry dude, I wasn't paying attention" I say. "Nah it's ok, you don't seem familiar. You the new kid" the guy says. I nod my head. "Cool, I'm Jake, and you?" He says stretching out his hand for me to shake. "Oakley, nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand. "Want me to show you around, warn you about some people around here" he says. I nod and follow him.

Ten minutes

We finally go through the whole school and he showed me my classes. "So is there anyone that I should know about" I said. "Yeah, her name's Brittney. She's actually over there talking to the cheer squad" he said pointing to a blond girl. "What about her, she the cheer captain or something" I say. "No, nothing like that. She actually isn't part of the cheer squad, but you should probably stay away from her the best you can" he says. "Why" I ask. "Well she is petty, clumsy, seriously dumb, she sounds sooo fake, and all she does in class is text on her phone. She's the principals daughter, so she'll most likely ask if you want a tour around the school since your the new kid" he said. Hmm she doesn't seem like that type of person, but whatever. "Well I'll see you during lunch, see ya" Jake said. I wave and head to my class.

Brittneys pov

I look over to where Jake is and see someone I don't recognize, hmm must be the new kid. Once Jake leaves I head over to him. "Omg heeeeey, you must be the new kid. My name is Brittney" I say in a high pitch voice showing him my teeth. "Uh hey, names Oakley" he said. "O.M.G I love that name, want me to show you around, I know this place like my own name. My dad is actually the principal here" I say. "Uh no thanks, someone already gave me a tour" he said. "Oh well that's to bad, well if you need anything ask me anytime. To-da-lu" I said waving bye and going to my first class. Goodness saying to-da-lu was a nightmare. I mean who the heck says that. Me, that's who.

Lunch time

I was heading to the lunch line when someone bumped into me and spilled water on my shirt. "O.M.G!!!! You idiot!!! You ruined my shirt. I payed like 100 dollars on this shirt, you lunatic" I yelled at the guy. Like honestly I didn't care that he spilled water on my shirt and it didn't cost 100, more like 15, but got to keep the act up you know what I mean. "Chill it's just water" the guy said. "Just water. You idiot. You got me wet" I said. I saw my brother laughing at the table behind the guy that spilled water on me. I rush over to the table. "You think this is funny you jerk" I say, and honestly it kinda was. "Yes actually, I do" he says with a smirk. "Gosh you are suck a jerk" I said. I grab the cup of water he had and splashed it on him. Omg his face was priceless, I wanted to laugh so hard, but I couldn't. I noticed the new kid sitting by my bro, guess he became friends with the soccer players. "What the heck Brittney!" My bro says standing up. "Hmph" I say turning around with my head held high and walking out the door. I go to my dads office and tell him everything. "Gosh you should've seen Luke's face Dad" I say laughing with my dad. There was a knock at the door and Luke comes in all wet. Me and Dad look at each other before we burst into laughter. "I'm glad you think this is funny" he says taking a seat beside me. "All fun in games lil bro" I say smirking while putting my legs on him. "Whatever" he mumbles but I see a slight smile on his face. The rest of the lunch consisted of the three of us talking and me eating some of my dads lunch. When the bell rung, me and my bro walked out of the office. Oakley was standing by the door. I looked at him surprised then put on a blank face. "Oh Oakley what are you doing here" my bro said. "Oh I was wondering if you got in trouble with the principal or not since you were in there for a while" he said. "Nah, he just gave me a warning" Luke said glaring at me with me glaring back. I make a hmph noice and walk to class. " what went up her butt and died" I heard Oakley say. I'm not gonna let this dude insult me. Tho I didn't really care. I turn around and go up to Oakley. "Excuse me" I say while raising my eyebrow. "Nothing" He said with a smirk. "That's what I thought" I said flicking my hair in his face. My brother just snickered at this.

After school

Finally schools over. I go to my dads office and wait for him to drive me home. Just then my brother texted me

A/N heeeeeeeey hoped you like this chapter. I know it was pretty long but hope you didn't get to bored with it. anyways comment what you thought about it. Tell me what I need to improve, vote if you want. I don't mind

- B

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