Chapter 5

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I do not own any of the pictures

Brittneys pov

After Luke left, Oakley came up beside me. "Ready to go" "yep" I said popping the p. When we get to his house I looked to my right and saw Luke. He looked at me weirdly. "Oh So Luke's your neighbor" I said. "Yeah, why you asking. Want to go over there instead" Oakley said with a smirk. Honestly yeah since that's my actual house. "No, let's get this project done today" I said going into his house

I'm doing a project, he's my partner-Me

I text Luke so he knows what I'm doing over at Oakley's

Oh ok, well be carful-Lil Bro

I will-Me

Once we were in his house he led me to his room. As soon as we got into his room the first thing I notice is a skateboard that's hung on his wall. "Omg you skateboard" I say. I'm quite interested if he does. I love skateboarding. "Yeah I do, tho not as much as I use to when I was little, but I still practice so I don't lose my touch" he says. "That's so cool, I wish I could skateboard" I said looking at the skateboard. "Well I mean if you want to I can teach you, after the project of course" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Omg really, that would be so awesome" I squealed and sat down on the floor. "Cool, ok so hm do you like anyone" Oakley said. "No not really, I don't look at guys that way" I say. "Wait, you're lesbian" he said shocked. "Omg no" I laugh. A real laugh. "I'm not lesbian I'm 100% straight. I just never thought about liking guys I guess" I say. "Oh" "So why did you move here" I said. " I moved here because my mom got a better job offer over here. I didn't mind though. I never really got attached to one place since we've moved a lot" he said. "That must be hard moving a lot. I mean I wouldn't want to go from home to home constantly. I like to stay in one place and make memories and live my life to the fullest" I said with a huge grin. " have you lived here all your life" he asked. "Yeah I have, I love it here a lot" I said. "Yeah, I like it here too, I'm just hoping I don't have to move again, anyways do you have any siblings" he said. "Yeah I have a little brother, what about you any siblings" I say. "Yeah, but she's in college right now" he said with a huge smile. "You seem to admire her or something with that grin on your face" I said laughing once again. "Yeah I do, she's really awesome" he said getting up. "Well you ready for me to teach you how to board" he said giving me a hand. "Yes I am, glad I wore the proper shoes for skateboarding" I said grabbing his hand and him pulling me up. He grabbed his skateboard and we went outside. "Ok get on facing me" he said. He had his foot on the skateboard so when I got on the board it wouldn't move. "Put your left foot near those nails and put your right foot where the board curves up" he said and I did just that. It's kinda sad that he's still not yet eye level with me on this board. I'm so short, or it could be that he's too tall. "Ok grab my hands" he said and I grabbed his hands. "I'm kinda scared I'll fall" I said giving a nervous laugh. "Don't worry if you fall I'll catch you" he said. I blush. Wait what I can't do that. I mean he seems like a nice guy but I can't like him. Jeez I need to get this out of my head. We start rolling and I pretend that I'm losing my balance. I look to my right and see Luke looking at us. I smiled sheepishly. He just shakes his head while smiling. Just then I lost balance and I was about to fall but Oakley grabbed my waist and picked me up off the board. Wow I thought I was going to die. You know that sudden feeling in your stomach when you trip or something. And you feel lightheaded. Well I was having that feeling right now. "Goodness you need to pay attention" he said his hands still on my waist. "Gosh I thought I was going to die. I'm so lightheaded right now" I said putting my head on his shoulder. "Was it fun" he asked. "Before I almost fell to my death yes it was very fun" I laughed. "Can I see you skateboard" I asked. He nodded and went to get his board. He ran with his board and after getting enough speed he hopped on. He did a kick flip off the side walk and onto the road. Not bad I guess. He turned around and got more speed. Right before he got to me he did a 360 toe flip. Not bad, not bad at all. "How was that, I could do better but I think I would fall at some point when doing my tricks" he said. "Omg that was awesome" I said. Puh-lease I could do better. "Thanks" He said scratching the back of his neck. "Well I think I should head home it's already 6:30" I said. "Unless you want to do something else" I said. "I mean we could watch a movie or something on Netflix" he said once again scratching the back of his neck. Does he do that when he gets nervous or embarrassed. "Yeah you can find a movie and I'll microwave some popcorn" I said and we both went inside. After he was done he came back down. "So I don't know if it's your kind of movie but I was thinking on watching 3 Days To Kill. It's a action plus comedy" he said. "Sure I like comedy" just then the popcorn was done. I put it in a bowl and we both head to his room. After about 45 minutes in the movie I was getting tired. Ugh but the movie is so good.

Oakley's pov

About half way through the movie I felt weight on my shoulder. I look to my left and see that Brittney had already fallen asleep. I guess she's not so bad. I mean she has her moments when she seems pretty cool, but that personality it just, well it ruins it. After the movie I tried to wake her up ,but like she did with Luke, she said. "5 more minutes" and wrapped her arms around me. After five more minutes I tried again. "Hey you have to get up and go home" I said. "10 more minutes" she said and snuggled more into me. I don't think she realizes what she's doing. After 10 she said 20 and it just kept on going higher every time I tried to get her up. I just gave up and was going to head to my couch when I heard someone's phone go off. It was Brittneys, I know it's bad to snoop, but I was curious.

iMessage from Luke:
Hey where are you, I'm worried

Why is Luke texting her. And why does he need to know where she is.

A/N heyo everyone hope you enjoyed my story. Hope it wasn't to long....what am I kidding it was pretty long. Anyways as I have always said. Comment on what you liked, what you didn't like, what I need to improve, and vote if you want. I don't mind

- B

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