Chapter 6

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As I always say I do not own any of these pictures.

Brittneys pov

I slowly opened my eyes and see that I'm not in my room. I panic but remember that I fell asleep in Oakley's room. I looked around and saw Oakley on his couch sleeping. I looked at my phone

20 missed calls from Dad
20 missed calls from Mom
20 missed calls from Lil Bro
100 messages from Dad
100 messages from Mom
100 messages from Lil Bro

Oh my gosh. Dang they are accurate on their calls and messages. Ugh I need to get home. I wrote a note to Oakley saying if he needs me to come over again to do the PowerPoint with him to call me. I quietly went out of his room and sneaked out of his house. I'm glad I wasn't caught by his parents. I ran to my house and ran inside. Right when I did I was engulfed in hugs. "C-can't b-breathe" I said as mom, Dad, and Luke were squishing me. "Honey where the heck were you" "we were so worried" "were you at Oakley's" they all said. "I'm so sorry I worried you guys, me and Oakley we're watching a movie and I guess I fell asleep" I said. "Jeez never frighten us like that again" my mom said. "I promise" I said hugging everyone. "Bethany will be here soon so go get dressed" Luke said. "I'm coming to your date?" I said. And he nodded. Jeez my bro is so weird. I went up washed my face did the usual and got dressed in my normal clothes I like to wear.

 I went up washed my face did the usual and got dressed in my normal clothes I like to wear

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What Britt wore

The door bell rang and I ran to go get it. I opened the door. "Betha-" "Oakley" "Brittney" we both said shocked. "What are you doing here" we both said. Ugh guess there's no reason to hid it anymore. "I live here" I say in defeat. "You live here, does that mean you're Luke's sister" he said. "Yep that does indeed, he's my twin. Come inside" I said dragging him inside. I flopped on the couch. "I didn't know you wore those kind of clothes" he said. "Well I do, and you just don't know me. Well the real me" I say once he sat down I put my legs on him. "Right, Oh well I guess I could say I'm sorry I couldn't get you up last night. You were very stubborn and wouldn't get up so I gave up and slept on my couch" he said. "Thanks" I said. "Betha-" "Oakley" my bro said while coming down the stairs. "What are you doing here" he said once again. "That is actually so funny, I said the exact same thing" I said laughing. "I was going to see if you wanted to hang, but I guess you have plans with someone else" Oakley said. "Yeah sorry, I'm hanging out with Bethany and Brittney" Luke said. "He already knows, I told him" I said. "Oh" He said. We were silent for awhile. "Awkward silence, so when is your date going to get here. And do I really need to go, I don't want to be a third wheel" I said. "Your going to help me, I don't know where to take her" he said. "Just take her bowling, then out to eat, maybe go to the park and talk, then take her home" I said. "We-" he was about to say but he cut himself off. "I guess that isn't a bad idea but I don't know what to say, your the one to break the awkward silence. Your good at it" he said. " just ask her to talk a little about her self when you go out to eat, and do the same thing as well. Bowling you don't really need to talk except for when you get a good score and you're congratulating yourself. Just ask her her favorite things at dinner then when you go to the park, talk about her future plans, what she wants to do, and who she admires the most. Easy as that" I said. "Hmm you have this planned out don't you" my bro says. "No it's just simple conversation starters, it's common sense" I said and rolled my eyes. "Fine you don't have to go, but if I need help I'm texting you" he says. "Great a free day" I said getting more comfy on the couch. I hear the door bell and get up. Luke gets it and hugs the person. I go up to the door and see Bethany. " Hey Bethany, ready for your date" I said with a wink. She just blushed and nodded. "Well have fun you two, by Twiny" I said and kissed Luke on the side of his head. "By Twiny" And with that they both left. "So since my secret is out about me being Luke's sister I'm going to show you who I really am" I said with a smirk.

Oakley's pov

Its like everything I knew about her didn't exist. This person in front of me was a whole different person, and I can't wait to find out.

A/N wow this is my shortest chapter yet, hope you enjoyed. Comment what you liked, what you disliked, what I need to improve or if I misspelled something. I don't know, vote if you want. I don't mind

- B

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