Chapter 2

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Oakley at top, and again I do not own any of the photos, and if I did I'll tell ya

Brittneys pov

Just then I got a text from my bro

Hey, I have a favor-Lil Bro

Ok what is it-Me

Can you stay out of the house till 8, I have my friends over, pleeeeeease-Lil Bro

Do I even have a choice since you probably already have them over-Me

Good point, anyways thank you. Love ya-Lil Bro

Yeah yeah of course you do, I mean I am the best sister ever-Me

Ok don't go making your ego bigger-Lil Bro

Haha ok Love ya- Me

Jeez how does he expect me to stay out till 8. "Sorry Dad, guess I'm heading somewhere else. Think you can drop me off at a movie or something" I say. "Yeah sure, why are you not going to the house though" he says. "Looks like Luke has some friends over and I'll be out till 8" I say. "Ok well text me if you walk anywhere else after your movie, I mean you have to entertain yourself for 6 hours" he said. "Yeah don't worry I'm pretty good at doing that" I say. My dad takes me to the movie theater and I decide to watch black panther. I've always wanted to see that

After movie

Man that was such a great movie. It's 4:00 what should I do now. I go out and go to Chick-Fil-la that's right across from the movie theater, and you know who I see. My brother. Like what the heck. I quickly text him

What the heck are you doing in chick-fil-la. Your supposed to be home, a place I want to be at right now-Me

How do you know I'm at chick-fil-la-Lil Bro

Gosh Luke look behind you-Me

I see my bro look behind him and notice I'm by the door.

Oh why are you here-Lil Bro

You know, I just finished watching Black Panther at the movie theater, so I decided to eat at chick-fil-la-Me

Omg I can't believe you watched Black Panther without me, was it good?-Lil Bro

Oh yeah it was so good-Me

I go up to order my food and notice that some of Luke's friends look at me. I gave them a big smile with a wave. I notice Oakley is with them. After I order a chicken sandwich, with yogurt and a diet frozen lemonade I make my way over to Luke's table and sit down by Luke. "Heeeey Guys" I say in a high pitched voice

Go away-Lil Bro


"So how is everyone. Seems like you guys are having a party over here. Hope you don't mind me joining" I say all hyper. It was Luke, Oakley, Jake, and that one guy that spilled water on me. "Guess not since your already here" Jake said. I just smiled at him. "So I didn't catch your name" I said to the guy that spilled water on me. "Maybe because he didn't throw it at you" I heard my bro whisper, but everyone heard it. Especially the boys since they were chuckling. "Right, you don't have to tell me" I say glaring at my bro. "Nah it's ok, it's Blake" he said. "Well nice to meet you Blake, and Luke I'm sorry about, well splashing water on you" I say. Turning to him putting my hand on his shoulder. He just raised his eyebrow. "Just kidding, I'm not really sorry cuz it was so hilarious, but no hard feels" I say showing off my teeth. He just rolled his eye muttering a Whatever. "So what are you guys doing" I say resting my head on my hand with my elbow on the table eating my yogurt. "Just hanging out, what we're you dong here alone" Jake said. "Oh you know just getting me something to eat" I say. I pushed Luke to the corner of our side of the booth and layed on his shoulder squishing him. I did this will eating my chicken sandwich. "Ever heard of personal space, well I guess not since you always want to be involved in everyone's business" Blake said. Oh dang that was a good burn. Luke glared at Blake. Well the reason being is because he only likes it when he insults me, not others. He's pretty protective over me. "Whatever" I say eating the last of my sandwich. "Can't you get off of him" Oakley said. "No, no I can't. I'm actually really comfortable" I said. I grabbed Luke's arm and wrapped it around my shoulder so he's more comfortable and so that I'm not squishing his arm. "You're just going to let her do that dude" Jake said. Luke just looked away. I smirked at all three of them. I snuggle into Luke more, knowing they don't like it when I get my way. After having some awkward conversation the boys finish what they were eating. "Do you want to go back to your house Luke and hang some more" Blake said. Luke glanced at me and I nodded. "Yeah sure" Luke said. "Well I guess it's my time to leave" I say getting up. "Finally" Blake whispered but I heard. I put my trash away and went out of the place. Hmm where to next. I was about to walk up to the main road when someone's car stopped beside me. "Yo what are you doing walking, I would think you would have a car" I looked at the person to see it was Oakley. "Oh no I don't have my car with me right now" I said laughing. "Then how did you get to chick-fil-la" he said. "My Dad drove me to the movies and after I walked to chick-fil-la" I said truthfully. "Well where are you heading to now" he said. "Umm I don't know" I said laughing. Oh goodness this is going well. "Well why don't you hop in the car and I'll take you where you want to go" he said. "Um are you sure, your friends don't seem to like me" I said. "It's ok, no one should walk, especially a girl" he said. "Well I can take care of myself, but I'll gladly take you up on the offer" I said. I see Luke getting out in the back seat, so I sit in the middle in the back of the car with Luke and Blake beside me. "Well hello again" I said with a huge grin. Blake and Jake roll their eyes. "So where are you heading" he said. "Hmmm I guess, maybe the bowling alley" I said. "Are you serious, your not going home. How will you get back to your house" he said. "Yes I'm serious, no I'm not going home, and I'll probably call my dad to come pick me up when I'm done" I said giggling putting my seatbelt on. It was 15 minutes to get there so I layed my head on Luke's shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

Oakley's pov

She looks peaceful as she slept. Not her.....usual self you could say. "Man she's quite annoying" Jake said. With Blake agreeing. I look at Luke and see that he's glaring at Jake. Wait, does Luke have a crush on Brittney. I mean it could be true since he didn't say anything about her laying on him at chick-fil-la. " So Luke, um you and Brittney" I said. "What about me and her" he seemed a little panicked, but hid it right away. "Oh Nothing you just seem, I don't know...close. Do you like her or something" I say. He starts laughing. "No I do not like her, and never will in that way" he said. He seems like he's telling the truth, but what's up with him and her.

15 minutes later - Brittneys pov

"Hey, wake up. We're at the bowling alley" I heard my bro say. "5 more minutes" I say wrapping my arms around him. I hear someone chuckle. I slowly open my eyes and see Blake, Jake, and Oakley. I quickly get off of my lil bro. "Oh we're here already, guess I'll get out of your hair. Thanks for the ride" I said and stumble out of the car. I got to the entrance about to go in when Luke stops me. "Hey be careful ok. " he says. "I will lil bro" I say going in, but he stopped me again. "Hey you didn't have to do this, you know. You could've told me that you wanted to go home and I would've chased away my friends" he says. "Nah it's ok, I'm having fun so far and I wouldn't do that to you, you're my lil Bro" I said. "By one minute, can't you think of something different" he said. "Ok what about twiny" I said laughing. A real one, not those fake ones I do around people at school. "Yes that will work, anything but lil bro" he said and gave me a hug. I was surprised since he was the one that didn't want people to know we were sibling, but I didn't hesitate to hug him back. "Thanks" He said. "Anything for you twiny, be carful on your way back home" I said. " you too, bye " he said letting me go and went back to his friends car. I smiled and walked into the bowling alley.

After 3 hours and calling the Dad

My dad finally got to the bowling alley to pick me up. I texted my brother so he knows I'm heading to the house and to kick his friends out.

Hey, Dad just picked me up and we're heading to the house now. Kick your friends out, be there in 30 minutes-Me

But Britt were in the middle of a game, can't you hold off just a little bit-Lil Bro

Ugh, I can probably climb to my bedroom window-Me

Thanks Britt, Love you-Lil Bro

Love you too Twiny-Me

Jeez the things I do for me bro. When we got there my dad went through the front door and I went out back. There was a tree that connected to my room, thank goodness, and so I climbed it. Let me tell you climbing a tree with heels on is not easy. I jump in my room, and landed with a thud. Ouch my hip. At least I made it inside. I'm glad I could reach my window to pull it up and jump inside, but the landing hurt. "What was that" I heard someone say. I run to my door and lock it. "Nothing!" I heard my bro say. "Ok no need to yell" someone said. I changed into my brothers shirt with panties. What can't I be comfortable.

A/N wow this chapter is loooooooong. Sorry if it was boring, but I hope you continue my book. Comment your thoughts on the chapter and vote. I don't mind if you do.

- B

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