Chapter 4

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The girl Luke likes, and once again I do not own any of these photos

Brittneys pov

It's finally Friday, and tomorrow is Luke and Bethany's, the girl Luke likes, date or something. I don't know what they would call it. She was skeptical at first but agreed to hangout with him, which might I say he was really excited about. I take a shower and do the normal routine.

What Britt wore

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What Britt wore

I go downstairs and see a horrifying Luke. "Luke what happened to you, you look horrible" I said laughing at his appearance. "Thanks sis" He mumbled. "This" I said while pointing everywhere "needs to be fixed. It's just wow you must've had a good night sleep or something cuz your hair is everywhere" I said laughing. "I'm so glad that I have you to point that out" he said and continues to eat his cereal. "Oh, well you're welcome" I said sitting beside him eating my cereal. After eating I kiss my brother on the head and went to school with Dad.


I get into class and sit where I normally do. "Alright class I'm going to partner you up for a project" my teacher said. I wasn't listening till I heard my name. "Looks like we're partners" I hear Oakley say. "Basically you guys have to make a PowerPoint about your partner. This will be due next week. Get with your partner and get to know each other" the teacher said sitting in her desk. I stand up and go up to her. "So your saying your going to let us work with our partners all week in your class" I say with a smile. "No your going to have to go to the other person's house. I'm only letting you do it for today in my class" she said. I gave her a glare but she just smirked at me. I could get this woman fired if I wanted to. "Right of course" I said with a grin. I go back to my seat. "Ok let's get this over with today so we don't have to go to each other's house" I said. "Why not" he said. "Because I don't want to" I said. After I asked a few questions the bell rang. "Looks like we didn't finish. Look I know you don't want to, but we have to finish. You can come to my house after school today" he said. I stared at him for awhile. "Fine, but I have to go right after school. Meaning your driving me to your house right after the last class" I said. "Ok I guess that works" he said.


Ugh I soooo don't want to go to the cafeteria. I head over to my dads office. "Hello daddy" I said walking in without knocking. "Hello daughter, how are you today" he asked. "Good I guess. I'm going over to someone's house to do a project. It's Oakley our next door neighbor" I said. "Does he know your his neighbor" he said with his eyebrow raised. "Nope and I would like to keep it that way" I said grabbing some of my dads food. "You know you can ask mom to make you lunch, you don't have to steal mine" he said. "I like it when it's yours, it just makes it taste.....better" I said grabbing his favorite thing out of his lunch. He looked so sad. I got up and walked out. "Love you Dad, thanks for the food" I said. "Love you Sweetie" he said. He looked so defeated. I walk out to see Luke. "Well you broke our dads heart, stealing his food again" Luke said. "You know it" I said then winked. "Why are you here anyways" I said going to a bench close by and eating my dads food. "I didn't see you at lunch so I thought you were in dads office" he said. "Well you thought right" I said putting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I'm tired" I said. "Then go to sleep" he said. "No I'm just tired of keeping this a secret and acting like an annoying person" I said. Snuggling up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "I know, I'm kinda tired of keeping you a secret" he said and just then Bethany walked around the corner and saw us. She looked hurt and I could see her eyes watering. Well dang. I get up quickly and saw her run. "I'll go after her" I said while running like my life depended on it. I caught up with her quickly and grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me" she yelled trying to yank her hand away but it didn't work. "Let me explain" I said to her looking at her dead in the eyes. She looked surprised but nodded. I took her outside. "Explain because right now I'm thinking he is a player" she said. "He's not, I promise you that. He's kind, caring, funny, athletic, smart, and so much more but he is not a player" I said. "Right an you would know that because your his girlfriend. Which surprises me since I didn't think he was into your type" she said tears streaming down her face. "Yeah the way I'm at school, no he's not" I said laughing. "You think this is a joke, why did you come instead of him" she said. "Because he was to shocked to move, that the person he really likes thought that his twin sister was his girlfriend" I said checking to see if anyone was around. No one, good. "Wait twin sister, hold up I'm confused" she said. "Yeah we kept it a secret" I said scratching the back of my neck. "Is that why he said he didn't want to keep you a secret anymore" she said wiping away her tears. "Yes, and we were actually going to tell you tomorrow, but I guess you found out today. Please don't tell anyone that he's my brother" I said. "O-ok but why were you snuggling. I mean you guys are siblings aren't you supposed to fight" she said. I laughed. "What are you jealous" I smirked. "W-what n-no of course not" she said looking away but I saw her blushing. "We're just really close, so that's why" I said. She nodded. "So are we good, you can stop thinking we're dating now" I said. "Yeah" she said with a smile. I pulled her in a hug. "You must really like him" I giggled. She just nodded.

After school

It was the end of the day finally. I'm so glad we cleared things up with Luke and Bethany. She seems like a nice girl. "Hey Britt" I heard my brother call for me. "Look, thanks for explaining things with Bethany. I was kinda too shocked and hurt I might lose her" he said blushing while scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah of course, I'm glad you guys hit it off so far, can't wait to see her again tomorrow" I said. He nodded and hugged me. "Love you" He said. "Love you too" I smiled and he left.

Someone's pov

Ok now I know they're dating

A/N hello, and back again with another long story. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm so tired right now it's like 2:15 in the morning right now. Anyways comment on what you liked, what you disliked, and what I might need to improve on. If you see a tiny misspelling or mistake let me know I'll fix it up. And you can vote, I don't mind

- B

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