Chapter 7

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Again I do not own any of the photos

Oakley's pov

She said she could beat me in skateboarding and we bet 20 bucks, and I hate to say this but she's crushing me. " Looks like you owe me 20 bucks" she smirked. Damn that's hot. Wait what, I mean every guy would think that if a girl could skate it would be hot right. She's totally a different person. Her voice isn't high pitched, she's not petty at all or clumsy, and doesn't seem like a person that wouldn't pay attention to class. She jokes all the time and her laugh is just....goodness I need to shut up. "So I hear you play soccer, in fact I do too. Want to give it a go" she said. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to crush you" I said. "Don't be so sure, I'm really good" she said. "Please I've been doing soccer all my life I think I can beat a girl" I said laughing. "You did not just say that, fine if I beat you, you have to say girls are better at everything than guys" I said. "Whatever, but if I win you have to say guys are better" I said and we shook on it. About 30 minutes later I'm almost dying of being so tired and I'm looking at Brittney and she seems like she hasn't broken a sweat. What the hell. "What can you not do woman, Jesus" I said. "Hmm I don't know. Need a hand" she said holding out her hand. I nodded and grabbed it but she let go and I landed on my butt. She burst out laughing. "Jeez such a classic and you fell for it, literally" she said still laughing. "Haha very funny" I said and got up myself. "I want to go in the pool, you in" she said. "Sure, let me just grab some shorts at my house" I said and ran back to my house.

Brittneys pov

Today has been pretty fun so far. I got 20 bucks, well not yet but I will, and Oakley has to say girls are better than guys at everything. I go up to my room and change into a bikini.

I put my hair into two French braids and go downstairs to the pool

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I put my hair into two French braids and go downstairs to the pool. Oakley is already there. I see him right beside the pool with his back turned to me. I run to him and push him in. I laugh, oh goodness does he fall for everything. He gets to the surface and looks at me. I might be seeing things but is he blushing. Nah it can't be. "That's not nice" he said with a pouty face. "Aww does someone need to go cry to his mommy" I say and start laughing. "Well the least you can do is help me up for doing this twice" he said holding up his hand. I grab his hand but he pulls me into the water. I hear him laughing. Bro you do not mess with me. I smirk and flap my arms everywhere like I'm drowning. "I-I c-can't s-sw-swim" I say and he looks so panicked. He grabs me bridal style and takes me out of the water. "Oh my goodness are you ok. I'm so sorry, I didn't know" he said so panicked. I burst out laughing. "I'm just kidding, I just wanted to get you back for doing that" I said patting his cheek. "Jeez Brittney please don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack" he said holding his heart. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I say sitting up and putting my feet in the water with Oakley between my legs. "Yeah you should be sorry"he gave me a pouty face. Cute! Wait I did not just say that. Well I mean every girl would think that's cute, it's not like I like the dude. He's just funny, and sweet, and fun to be around, hot and....wait did I just say hot. Gosh Britt you need to get these thoughts out of your head. Suddenly I was picked up from behind. Dang I didn't even notice Oakley getting out of the water. He picked me up and put me on his shoulder. "Oakley what are you doing" I said pounding on his back. "Oh nothing" he said chuckling. Jeez that laugh...stop it Britt. Just then I was thrown in the water. He jumped in after and we started a splashing war. After about 30 minutes we got out and changed.

What she wore without the bag, glasses, and shoes

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What she wore without the bag, glasses, and shoes

I went downstairs to find my mom cooking something. "Mmm whatcha cookin" I said looking over my moms shoulder. "Something" she said with a smirk. I playfully roll my eyes and go into the living room where Oakley is. "So what do you want to watch" I said sitting beside him. "Something scary, maybe Annabelle or something" he said. "Ok I love scary movies, though I have to be honest I only watch at least half the movies" I say and we both laugh.

Oakley's pov

About less than half the movie Britt is pushed against me and covering her face with my arm. I mean not that I mind, any guy wouldn't mind that right? "Foods ready!" Britt's Mom says right in her ear. Making me jump, but Britt screams and hides her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hear here mom laughing. "Mom that's not funny" she whined. I'm glad the lights are off because I'm probably blushing so hard right now I could be considered as a tomato. Britt slowly unwraps her arms and puts them on my chest and looks up at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be all up on you" she said getting off. "It's alright, we'll finish the movie after we eat" I said. I paused the movie and we both went in the dinning room. "Is Luke still on that date with that girl" her dad says. "Yes Dad, now let's pray, so we can eat" Britt said looking at her lasagna like she hasn't ate in days. After praying we all dig in. "So Oakley how are you doing in school" Mr. Myers said. "I'm doing good, I'm happy to say I'm almost a straight A student" I said. "Not to brag and all but both my kids are straight A students" he says. I choke on my water. "What, but Brittney never pays attention in class, and never does class work or homework. That's impossible" I said between coughs. "Oh that's because I've already done that for this month. The first day of the month I get my class work and homework and finish it on the weekend. Then the tests I do after school, so that's why I don't pay attention or do anything" she says like it was nothing. "That's impressive" I say. I look at her parents and they have a huge grin on their faces. They must be really proud. Just then Luke comes in. "Twiny how was the date" Britt gets up from the table and walks towards her brother. "It was fantastic, we went bowling, went to see a movie, got something to eat, and went to the park" he said while hugging Britt. "Ahh So you added a movie, did you see Black Panther" she said. And he nodded. Both of them sat at the table. "Hey Oakley, How was your day with my sis" Luke said. "Other than me having to give her 20 bucks it was pretty fun" I say. "And he has to say girls are better than guys at everything, go one say it" she smirked. "Girls are better than guys at everything" I said. "I know" she said with huge smile. Not those fake smiles she does at school but a real one. "Dang why do you owe her 20 bucks and having to say that" Luke said while laughing. "She be-" "I beat him in skateboarding and soccer" she said cutting me off. " wow good job sis" he gave Britt a high five. "Hey my pride is on the line" I said. "Honey, I think you lost your pride a long time ago" she giggled. Gosh that giggle is so adorable. Wait what am I saying. I think I'm losing it.

Brittneys pov

We finished dinner and the movie and I was practically cuddled up to him. Which honestly I was blushing the whole time. Thank goodness the lights were off so no one could see my face. I walk Oakley to his door. "I had a really fun time with you today Oakley" I said with a smile. "Yeah me too, I like this you, the real you" He said and I just blushed and looked down. "Well Goodnight" He said about to go inside, but I grabbed his arm. He looked at me with confusion. "Uh Goodnight" I said quickly removing my arm and scratching the back of my neck while looking away. Why did I do that. Ok maybe I wanted a hug, but Jesus I'm so embarrassed and I don't even know why. He nodded and went inside. I went back to the house and when I got inside I saw Luke smirking at me. "What?" I said glaring at him. "Nothing" He said putting his arms up in surrender, then smirked at me. I just wanted to slap that smirk right off his face.

A/N ello mate. Hope you liked this chapter and hopefully it didn't bore you. Comment on what you liked, what you disliked, what I need to improve on or if I misspelled anything. Of course you can vote if you want. I don't mind.

- B

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