two. living the currents you create

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a/n BASTILLE BABY! the chapter title comes from The Currents by Bastille which is an amazing band and you should listen to them. this story weirdly got popular which i wasn't expecting. more popular then my other fanfics. i mean i'm happy because everyone seems to really like this story and that's great to have more then one person like your story. thank you for reading this story. please excuse all errors and i hope you guys enjoy this story.

It was bright and sunny morning and a very tall man with a beard was outside on his porch, minding his own business. He was holding a plastic basket that was filled with bright colored clothes and one by one the man started taking clothes out from the basket and started hanging the different articles up a thin wire. The man humbled a little tune as he walk back and forth from the wire to the basket. On one of his trips, the man heard a the sound of the wood creaking as if someone else was walking across his porch. He turned around but saw nothing. He shrugged his shoulder, brushing it off as something he had misheard. The man continued his tune, going back to walking back and forth.

The sound of wood creaking happened again and the man turned to see nothing there again. This time he was confused on what was happening. Was the floor breaking? The man then turned around to continue hanging up some clothes but when he returned to the basket, there seemed to be some clothes missing from the basket. He started racing through the basket, believing that he had seen one of his shirts in the basket. It wasn't there. The man didn't know what to do or what was happening. Maybe he had just imagined it. He grabbed the next clothing item in the basket and went to hang it up but he turned to the wire he found that some of the clothes he had just hang up were gone.

"Nino this shirt doesn't fit," Marinette told her friend as she buttoned up the giant Hawaiian shirt. The two had to returned to the beach after they had taken the clothes and the clothes that they had taken for Mari weren't the best as it was a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. It was a very colorful shirt that was covered with a pattern that looked like palm leaves, leave were either the color pink, blue, or green. The shirt almost swallowed Marinette whole and it didn't help that the cargo shorts were close to falling down her legs. She didn't want to the steal the clothes from the man but unfortunately upon arriving on land, she didn't have anything else to wear. So her and Nino found the man's house and saw him with the clothes so they had to make do.

"Well the guy was twice your size. Of course it doesn't fit," Nino replied. The clothes that he had gotten didn't fit him either but the blue t-shirt that he had taken just loosely hung off his body and the pants he had taken fit him better. "Don't focus on the clothes right now. We have other things to worry." They hadn't been a land long but in that Nino seemed to be anxiety ridden of what could happen to them. All he had done was just talk about how they had to be careful, how they had to fit in, how they had to make sure that they didn't get any where near water while on land. These were things that Marinette already knew and she wanted to tell Nino to shut up but she knew that he was just worried about being on land. Either of them had been on land before.

Some merpeople had, either for granting wishes or exiled from the Colony, and eight of ten always came back. Marinette was thinking that they were going to like the eight who came back to the sea while Nino was thinking that they would be the two who never went back. "We need to make sure that we are able to fit in with everyone else so we need practice our walk." He said and she raised her eyebrow.


"We've never been on land before or any place that didn't have water. We've never had legs before so we have never walked before until a couple minutes ago and you fell down like five different times," he reminded her and she felt herself getting embarrassed. She had fallen so many times, her knees hurt from hitting the ground that much. Nino had happen a little wobbly but he wasn't as bad as her. "Now come on," he said. He stood up from where he sat on the sandy beach, taking a couple steps forward. His stance wasn't great as he seemed to wobbly with every step he took but he was still doing it without falling down. Marinette watched him. He was doing so well that she was scared that if she did it then she would fall and embarrass herself. "Do you realize that I'm not the one who is trying to find a human love right?"

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