three. come be lonely with me

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a/n i didn't say this last time because i was too weird out by how popular this story got so i'll say it now thanking you for reading this story. i'm only weirded out because i've never had a story be so well liked before but i'm happy that you guys enjoy this story. the title of this chapter is from the song This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory a song that i recently got into and i think it kind of fits their relationship in this book. i should probably mention that i suck at having a schedule when it comes to writing and that i'll try to do my best to keep posting updates. okay well enjoy this chapter and please excuse all errors.

(a/n sorry i forget that only uploaded two chapters on wattpad and not the rest sorry!)

Marinette and Nino stared up at the Marine Center with widen eyes. Of course he worked at a marine center, she couldn't help but think. This just added onto the list of things to worry about. Adrien, who was walking in front of them, noticed that the two had stopped walking and where staring up at the giant building in front of them. He raised his eyebrows. Had they never seen the Marine Center before? It was a giant glass building that seemed impossible miss. "Are you guys okay?" He asked.

The two quickly pulled their glazes away from the building and tried their bests to make it seem like they weren't at all freaking out because he was a marine biologist but they did a terrible job so that only made Adrien more concerned about if they were okay. "Yeah we're fine," Marinette said but her voice wasn't convincing. "So you work here?" She still tried to seem casual about it but again she failed.

Adrien suddenly seemed a little embarrassed, "Yeah. Um.. my father kind of owns the place and runs it." He explained. Nino and Mari shared a look, a look that said 'You've got to be kidding me'. "Are you guys new here? Like did you just move here?" He asked.

"No we've always lived here," Marinette told him. It wasn't a lie. But it wasn't the complete truth. They had lived in the area but never in the land part of the area. "We just don't get out a lot."

"Yeah I'm a recovering agoraphobic," Nino lied and Marinette tried her best to hold back a laugh. "So you know I don't go outside a lot."

He nodded his head to seem nice and not like he was confused or anything which he was but Adrien didn't want to seem rude. "Okay. Well I have to go in and get my some stuff and then we can go to lunch." He started walking turns the building but he stopped again when he realized that they still weren't following him. "Are you guys just going to stay out?" He asked.

"We'll be right behind you," Marinette told him, smiling at him. Adrien smiled back and for a second she couldn't help note how pretty a smile it was but she then pushed it away. She couldn't lose focus on what was in front of her which in reality was Adrien but mentally she had to focus on was granting his wish and pretending that she was human. The two started walking towards the building, only a couple steps behind Adrien. Nino grabbed onto her arm, pulling him a little closer to her as they walked.

"I can't believe that you have to grant the wish to a marine biologist!" He said. He tried to be as quiet as possible so that Adrien couldn't hear him but still loud enough to let Marinette knew that he was very worried.

"I didn't know what his job was when I saved him!" She told him, using the same tone he was. "Maybe he's not a marine biologist. Maybe he's a janitor."

"His dad runs the place Mari. Unless his dad is ashamed of him, I don't think that he is a janitor." He said. "Look we just have to be extra careful around him though because if we aren't he finds out about us then we could be experiment or killed."

"I know!" She said pulling her arm away. "And we will be careful. So just calm down!" Nino muttered something but she ignored him. She wasn't in the mood to hear it right now. She was already freaking out and being optimistic about everything was hard to keep up. They all slowly walked through the building, the time Marinette felt as if someone was watching her or if somehow they knewshe didn't fit in. She tried to ignore the feeling but it was hard to ignore. There were several pictures on the wall that where of different people were standing proudly with different creatures or other humans like they were had won something.

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