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Artist: Cyotto


You smiled back at him, feeling better. While sitting there, you took your time to look at your surroundings. Boris pulled out an old radio and turned it on as your eyes explored, which played barely audible swing music. Boris tapping along to it on the table.

"Hey Boris, does Bendy know where your hideout is located? ", you asked nervously.

Boris stopped and looked over at you.

"He doesn't come to this part of the studio that often. Whenever he does it's only to play poker with me..", Boris remembered your first encounter with him earlier. "Oh golly, uh, should you hide or?", Boris was lost. But before he could find a spot for you, the demon himself came in.

"Hey Boris sorry I'm late I was bus-(Y/N)?!", Bendy stopped mid sentence before capturing your eyes with his own. You were getting ready to hide just as he noticed you.

Boris head shot quickly to you. He thought Bendy was gonna try and kill you. But instead Bendy ran to you and hugged you tightly. His tail rubbed against your leg.

"A haha uh h-hey Bendy". You couldn't contain the obvious fear wallowing up in your throat as you spoke which thankfully Bendy took no notice of.

Bendy still latched onto you.

"I'm so sorry for doing what I did back there (Y/N)! I'd never do anything like that to you, (N/N)~",Bendy said unsettling smoothly.

Boris's ears slightly fell back at his comment. Bendy finally let go after what felt like a while and waved you over to the table with Boris.

"How bout' you come play cards with us (Y/N)? Help pass the time in this god forsaken studio?", Bendy offered while taking a seat in a chair across from Boris.

Bendy had already found you and to your surprise, you were still alive. You grabbed a near by chair and set it on the left side of the table in between the two. Once you were settled, Bendy pulled a deck of cards from behind his back like a magic trick. You paid no attention to it since they were toons anyways.

The three of you played three hearty rounds of poker. Bendy and Boris having to refresh your mind on how poker went since it's been a while since you touched a deck of cards. Curious, you looked to check the time but came up empty handed. No clocks with working hands seemed to assist you.

"Hey Bendy, would you know the time by any chance?"

Bendy smirked at you from across the table before pulling out a comedically large pocket watch and checking it.

"It's..",Bendy dragging the 's' before finally giving an answer. ", almost 3:00am!". His grin stretched farther across his round head as he put the giant watch away in an invisible pocket of his. If he even actually had one.

You gasped loudly before looking at Bendy and Boris.

"I have to get home! Father was probably trying to call me all these hours! Is there anyway I can get back to my car?". You face palmed at that last comment. The car. That was a problem since you locked yourself out somehow. Maybe Bendy or Boris could help.

Boris goofy smile then faded to a lonely one whereas Bendy stared plainly at you with no smile at all.
They stayed silent before Bendy finally broke the silence.

"Do you really have to go? It's past midnight anyways! Couldn't you just stay for a little longer? ", Bendy begged in a hollow tone and kept his gaze away from yours.

"It is pretty late out", Boris agreed.
You then pondered for awhile.
You then sighed before answering.

"Yeah you're right, I'll stay for now". They both recovered from their pouty state immediately. You smiled tired my back at them at their quickly changed moods. Suppressing the other worries that danced around in your thoughts. You excused your self really quick to clear your thoughts in the bathroom before coming back a few minutes later to an empty room. Boris and Bendy out of sight.

You stood their confused as to where the two went without letting you know. Just as you were about to head out looking for them, a quiet 'psst' motioned you over to a dark corner. Curious, you cautiously walked over. Boris's long snout popping out before his whole face.

"Boris what are you doing?",you asked which he placed a gloved finger over his lips quickly.

It didn't seem like anything bad was gonna happen cause Boris was smiling along with his tail wagging.

"Shhh, it's 3:00am, which means it the devils hour. And Bendy is a demon so we're supposed to hide from Bendy until he finds us! It's like hid n seek but filled with spooks",Boris explained in between chuckles.

After he explained in the shadowy corner, loud foot steps could be heard throughout the building which signaled that it was Bendy as Boris had explained. You decided to play along although you were still a bit stunned by the sudden situation. Boris grabbed your hand in his and lead you down a dark hall away from Bendy's own path.

Yandere?Bendy x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now