Be Mine

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Artist: Boksungaa

You were still in a sort of dissociative state, the whole ordeal of being a toon struggled to wrap around your brain. As if this was all just a long long nightmare. But to your dismay, it wasn't as you have already tested its possibility earlier. But hey look on the bright side! you can't die..

Alice still isolated herself as per usual except something else changed about her while you were away. Instead of having an unreasonable hatred towards you, it was remorse? You suspected it was caused from your presumed death. You didn't mind this change in behavior since it definitely beat having an enemy. Soon enough your relationship with Alice blossomed into a friendship and the two of you began doing things together more. 

You came to realize that this new body of yours had some new features you needed to work with. Which Bendy and Boris helped you figure out. One of them was being able to turn into an ink puddle. For the first few days, you'd accidentally morph into a puddle triggered randomly. You'd get spooked by something then you were a black blob on the floor. It was annoying but soon enough, you learned to control it to where you could do it on demand. Pretty neat. 

And Bendy. His behavior has grown to become more peculiar, obsessive. Continuously following you around like a lost puppy, always by your side. You were still mad at him but the feeling dissolved when the realization that there was no going back came to you. You'd be stuck with him for who knows how long now so what's the point of holding a grudge if you're going to be with him for basically eternity. That'd just be exhausting considering how often you see Bendy every day. 

And you hated yourself for this familiar feeling to have came back to you. You couldn't help but still like him which was insane. How could you have still felt some feelings for a demon that arguably ruined the rest of your life? But it continued to grow the more you dwelled in the damn animation studio. 

" Hey Boris ", you greet as you walk into his little area. " Have you seen Bendy? He wanted to ask me something but I cant find him "

Boris looked up from his banjo in his paws and pointed behind you towards where you came.

" He's in the ink machine room ", Boris says politely.

You thanked the wolf with a smile before heading off to see what Bendy wanted.

As you walked in you see Bendy messing with his horns as if he were fixing his hair if he had any.

He caught a glimpse of your form and quickly straightened back up bashfully.

" Oh h-hello (Y/N) "

Bendy made his was towards you at the entrance, looking like a total klutz.

" You wanted to ask me something? ", you continue to get to the point, crossing your arms and placing all your weight on your left foot as you looked up at him with interest.

Bendy took a breath before growing more confident. 

" I was gonna a-ask you if....uh ", Bendy struggles to get the words out like he was trying to apologize to an annoying sibling.

You wait patiently, finding this scene in front of you slightly amusing. 

" W-will you be mine?... ", Bendy finally huffs out with an awkward smile.

Your amusement quickly changes to surprise.

You blush a deep grey before it was your turn to stumble on your words.
Then you remembered what Bendy did to you. Kidnapped you and forced you into the ink machine, left your father to think you were dead, tried to attack you on a few occasions. Many red flags you still couldn't quite shake off. 

Bendy gently held your limp hand in his as he gazed into your eyes, seeming hopeful in your response.

You narrow your brows before shaking your head and stepping back, looking through Bendy rather than directly at him. Panic growing more visible on Bendy's round face at your negative response.

" Let...let me think it off for a minute ", you say with doubt and you walk off, leaving him alone in the room.

Bendy continued to gaze as you walked off, gripping his hand with a slight frustration and anxiousness.

" W-wait! uh- I'm so-rr-,, y-yeah, Ill let you think on it.. ", Bendy leaves the room after you and slumped through a different hall.

You make it back to Boris and you take a seat next to him.

" Boris, can I get some advice? ", you say looking over at him.

Boris stops strumming the instrument to meet your gaze, ears perking to listen to what you had to say.

" Of course! What is it pal? "

" So... Bendy asked me to be his and uh... I wasn't sure because of all the things he has done. I don't know if I should because of it but I do like him still which seems crazy ", You confess to Boris as if he were a priest.

Boris takes into consideration of your question and thinks hard for a moment.

" Well um.. so you like him back? "

" Well yea.. "

" And you're uh willing to put aside his mistakes? Treat this like a clean slate sort of thing? ", Boris comments again trying to make a point.

" I could, that seems like a good idea.. I think I have my answer. ", you confirm while looking back up at him.

" Glad I could of helped in some way. Good luck (Y/N) ", Boris pat your shoulder before going back to playing on the banjo.

You got up from your seat to head out and look for Bendy to give him your final answer. Deep down you hoped you weren't making another mistake.

You quickly spotted him in the projector room.

Bendy was looking down at his hands as he sat alone in the seat behind the projector. Looking completely bummed out.

You took the empty seat next to him and placed a hand in his.

Bendy cocked his head to face you, a glimmer of hope or desperate in his black voids.

" So I thought about it... ", you start. Suspense growing.

Bendy sat up straight as he was waiting for a answer, ready to take the hit.

" And I decided, yes. Yes I'll be yours ", you smiled lightly feeling your fingers intertwine with his own.

Bendy laughed in waves with excitement and caught you off guard when you felt his lips on your own in the midst of his excitement. Rather than pushing him away, you embraced this contact and kissed him back. His hands redirecting themselves on your cheeks and held your face with a foreign tenderness.

This felt way better in contrast than the one he pushed onto you before the relationship wasn't one sided. This was nice. And you wanted to hold the warmth just a little longer.

You both broke apart and became ingulfed in a hug which you returned the affection by hugging him back. You've never seen Bendy smile as big as he did right then. 

You were his forever and forever alone. He wasn't going to let you go. 

Yandere?Bendy x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now