Ink Will Spill

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Artist: Purple_Burial

You were so flustered the next day from last nights date that you didn't notice how much closer Boris has gotten with you. You couldn't remember the last hours of the night since you must of blacked out.  

Boris seemed as if he were spooked by something, tail frayed and ears on alert 24/7. Paranoid. What caught your attention to this behavior was when he accidentally ran into you. Boris was walking with you from behind but wasn't paying attention and collided with you. 

" H-hey? ", You got your footing and looked back at the wolf behind you. You took notice at the sight of his hair sticking up on end, already knowing that wasn't normal. 

" Sorry (N/N), t-thats my bad "

" Hey, are you alright? You seem on edge ", you became concerned.

Boris looked at you surprised you've taken notice of his odd behavior. His ears flattened back down and he placed his arms down at his sides. 

" I uh, have something I've been meaning to tell you "

This undoubtedly caught your full attention and you stood with your arms crossed. Showing you are listening to what he had to say. You felt your neck grow hot with anxiety and anticipation. This surely wasn't going to be anything good. 

Boris lead you into a random room before continuing, making sure to conceal the conversation from someone who could be listening. 

"..Ok...You need to stay away from Bendy ", Boris said below a whisper.

This baffled you, last night with him was completely fine. What did he do to cause Boris to warn you? Did something happen before the date that you didn't know about? 

" W-what do you mean? Bendy was fine last night, I don't understand ", you rubbed your arm in hopes of calming yourself done. 

" Something happened that same night though. After you guys came back and you went to bed, his mood completely changed! He was really rude to me and Alice and warned us not to come in contact with you. I don't know how to explain but he intends to isolate you (Y/N). The main reason why he turned you into a toon was so Bendy could keep you to himself for good!  ", Boris explained frantically.

You could only just stare in utter dread. 

" He's insane, who knows what else he might do? You need to get out of here some how. It isn't safe for you to be here anymore, I don't want Bendy to hurt you "

Just when you thought Bendy changed. It all must of just been a fucking facade. You were even more frustrated that you let him manipulate you once again. You felt like a complete damn fool, a perfect victim.  

" I got to go Boris, I need to process this... ", you hugged yourself and walked past him to leave the room. Your feelings a wreak behind your glossy eyes that stared into a distant space. 

Salty waves overlapping the barrier of your bottom eyelid and rolled in a warm stream down your face. No sound escaped your agape lips as you silently cried your walk down the hall. You went to head to the nearest bathroom to try and clear yourself of the news. And a possible way out of this place. 

You entered a random bathroom and stabled yourself by latching onto the porcelain sink, staring at your broken reflection of the shattered mirror. 

" God I look like a mess ", you say to yourself with your hand roaming your features, feeling a sob strangle your throat.

" You okay (Y/N)? "

You were no longer alone, someone spoke at the entrance. Thinking maybe it was Boris, you turned around to be mistaken. It was the one you were warned of and you were fearful once more. 

" Why do you look so surprised, aren't you glad to see me? ", Bendy walked over to you.

You chocked back a gulp and tightened your grip on the sink, not able to back up any further. You stood stiff as Bendy wrapped his arms around you in an embrace and dug his face into the crook of your neck without a word. You could feel your skin becoming clammy while he rubbed his face against your skin like a purring cat. You could already tell Bendy was acting different again.

A sudden jolt of pain sparked to your brain from the feeling of talons digging into your sides, you whined at the perception. Bendy chuckled into your neck at your response and pushed you against the bathroom wall.

Bendy released you and caged you under him with his arms on either side of your body, gazing down at you as if your were prey. You didn't dare move as you trembled, already a mental wreak. His words from last night teasing you the moment you stared up back at him. 

"  I just can't help but be so deeply invested in you "

" it can get the better of me... "

" I want you all to myself "

The sign was there. . . 

" I heard your conversation with Boris. And I don't like what he told you. ", Bendy said as he gritted his teeth in anger, dragging out the 's' like a snake. Saying so made his eyes become obscure from the profound amount of ink dripping down his face.

You stayed quiet. 

" Tell me, you don't think I'm crazy. Right (Y/N)? ", Bendy's voice grew deeper as he continued. 

" Y-your not crazy ", you meekly stuttered out. Bendy simpered. 

You couldn't risk the chance of making stupid decisions with him like you've done  in the past. Even if appealing to him in that moment felt like needles pricking your tongue. 

" How would you like it if they all went away for good, my angel~ ", and Bendy leaned down to kiss your forehead.  Teasingly grazing your wounds on your sides that he made, making you wince. 

You began to cry, you couldn't hold it in any longer. Bendy cooed at you and ran his claw against your chin. You were afraid. Afraid for your friends, afraid for yourself. Afraid for him. Everything seemed like it was getting better. You started getting used to being a toon and even liking it. Your relationship with Alice has gotten better. Bendy was improving and you even had hope for him. 

You gave yourself to him. And what for? 

You couldn't play safe anymore after that threat. 

" No ", you chocked out and looked away.

Abruptly, Bendy grabbed your chin and forced you to face him.

" What did you say ", He seethed.

" I said NO ", Your voice raised an octave and you made eye contact with his. Your brows folding as hard as you could muster.

Bendy punched the wall right next to your head making you flinch.

" I don't give a shit if you say no! They're going to take you away from me! I see how Boris looks at you, he loves you doesn't he?  "

Hearing the last words from Bendy made you scoff at his paranoid ramble. You obviously knew Boris didn't like you like that. But seeing how much of a threat he appears to Bendy made you concerned for Boris's well-being. 

" Get the fuck off of me! ", You shoved Bendy away from you when he was caught off guard.

You took off before he could reach for you and planned to make your way to Boris. You needed to warn him, warn both of them. You didn't dare look behind you to see if he was chasing you. Although it seemed like Bendy wasn't as you heard nothing signaling that he was. 

Up ahead was the entrance to Boris's place and you barged in the room, causing the attention of your friend. 

" (Y/N), y-your back! What's wro- "

" Boris you were right! "

Boris ran up to you, taking notice of your puffy irritated eyes and blood stained waist.

" Bendy plans to kill you and Alice, we need to get out of here. Or ink will spill ", You explained as fast as you could with heaves. Boris looked on with a fear struck gaze. You two needed to get Alice. 

Yandere?Bendy x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now