Welcome To Hell

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Artist: NAC

Slowly, your vision came back to you. The room you were in swirling and spinning as you batted your lids to adjust. Your head throbbed and pain shot throughout your body. Groaning, you sat up cautiously. The room was just as run down as the rest of the place. Sentences were written on the wall aggressively with ink. Above you was the endless hole you fell through. Ink pooling down from the open and splashed next to your aching body.

After letting yourself heal for a bit, you got up on your feet and patted your outfit down, ink smearing your skin and clothes and hair becoming clumpy from the toxic goo getting onto your hair. A large sentence met your face as you looked up at the wall in front of you.

" The creator LIED to US "

The creator must mean Joey. But whom is "Us"? You let the thought slip from your mind and searched the small room around you for an entrance. You found what you were looking for but it was blocked with planks covering the door frame thickly. Coincidentally, an axe was sitting alone next to the blocked entrance. Quickly you grab hold of the axe, being careful not to hurt yourself, and swung straight through the planks. The sound of wood blistering and your grunts with each swing filled the room.

You wiped the forming sweat off your head and continued your task of finding a way out. The next room was unnerving. Not like you were that surprised from what has happened already. A large pentagram was drawn with ink on the weak wood floor boards. Candles sat lit on each corner and to top it all off, two caskets propped against the wall faced you.

You rubbed your left arm, trying to lose the goosebumps that broke out all over your tired body. " I just want to go home ". After taking your fill with the scenery, you noticed a door next to the left casket calling out to you. All that was greeted was more ink filled hallways. What did you expect. This whole studio was just a horror maze.
And the small hope inside your abdomen slowly but surely dying with every turn you take.

"When will this hell end..", you groaned into your hand.

Writing appeared once in awhile on the tattered walls. And you even noticed some tap recorders lying around. How odd. Things felt like they were left there recently yet they looked as if they sat in the same place for years. And probably have. Curious, you reached towards a tape recorder sitting alone on a shelf. On the top of the recorder was a name. 'Sammy Lawrence'.

" Wasn't he a worker here? ". Unconsciously, you pressed " Play " and the recording of Sammy rippled his tired voice throughout the halls.

"He appears from the shadows, to rain his sweet blessings upon me. A figure of ink that shines from the darkness. I see you my savory...I pray you hear me.
Those old songs, yes, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me.And I will be swept into your final, loving embrace. But...love requires sacrifice. Can I get an amen?"

After the last words the recorder stopped playing. What the hell was Sammy talking about? Was he talking about that ink demon you saw earlier? Or is he crazier than you thought.

Letting the thought pass for now, you continued your task on finding a way out. You ran into another obstacle.a long hall filled with ink. As you we're about to find another way, a man of sorts, tall and slender, passed by the door on the other end. Your lips parted and a shout left your vocal cords. " H-hey! ". Without thinking, you plunged into the dark pool. The ink soaking into your pants all the way up to your waist as you trudged towards the other side.

By the time you made it there, you looked on your left to where he was heading and was meet with another bendy cutout propped against a wall.

" Huh were did he go.."

A door blocked your path once more. Frustration and exhaustion overwhelming your poor mind.

" You got to be kidding me. More switches ", you say with pretty white teeth grinding against each other.

After searching for a bit you finally found the switches for the lever.
The door opened with nothing new to be discovered. More empty rooms with random relics here and there.
Although another voice recorder from Sammy sat alone near a sign hung on the wall.

What would this one say?

"So first, Joey installs this ink machine over our heads, then it begins to leak. Three times last month we couldn't even get outta our department cause the ink kept flooding the stairwell. Joey's solution, an ink pump to drain it periodically. Now I have this ugly pump in my office. People in and out all day. Thanks Joey, just what I needed, more distractions. These stupid cartoon songs don't write them selves ya know?"

You did remember watching your father complain about those pipes as well. Once in awhile the ink would seep through the cracks and drip on Henry's hutched back or onto the drawing he was working on in front of him. That machine was more than what everyone thought. From what you've discovered so far.

You walked to another room and it appears to be the music room. All the chairs we're scattered and same with the Instruments.
Another voice recorder laid near the voice acting booth but you were to tired to care. It was from that bratty voice actress anyways. You looked around up and down the room and jumped when you saw a bendy cutout starring at you from the top.

You shake your head before leaving the room to go to the other room that lead up to the cutout. Maybe you had to turn on the projector? Once you got up there the bendy cutout was gone. And instead it was down near the chair.

" Is someone playing a t-trick on me?! If so show y-yourself! ", you yelled out in fear and bewilderness.

There's no one her but you, or so you thought. What if that man you thought you saw earlier is behind all this. Joey, Sammy. You just pray that HE wouldn't appear.
Right as you thought that, your luck had fallen. That demon sure did make his voice clear. Yet nowhere to be seen.


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