The Devils Hour

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(The drawing I did years ago looks so bad lmfao- Jan 1 2021)

"Shhh, he's coming! Follow me so you don't get caught ", Boris eagerly whispered while still dragging you by the wrist.

You nodded to Boris before he yanked you into another room. It was a small room full of deteriorating boxes with no lights, making it really dark. Only a single candle was lit in the corner of the room.

"We should hide here. Go hide in a different spot".

Sudden adrenaline pumped through your body, frantically finding a good enough place to camp out. Boris hid behind a huge pile of canned soup while you chose a fort of boxes opposite from his hiding place. Soon enough, everything was silent once more.
In the distance, you could hear the rummaging of your seeker. Hearing the loud foot steps and displacement of objects made this experience in the dark a lot more unnerving.

Bendy POV

I searched throughout the building, searching over and under boxes, cans, and other junk.
Still no sight of Boris or (Y/N).
"I guess I'd have to look harder~"
I wasn't gonna lose to this game this time. "If I were (Y/N) where would I hide?...Ahah! Probably in the clothing room".
I emerged in the deserted dressing room and searched through the moth eaten clothes, still no sign of Boris or (Y/N).

Damn it were would they be?!
"Wait. What if she ran away. And sneaked out of the studio! No. No. she wouldn't do that, she couldn't anyways without our help. And I'll make sure of that~"

"Come out come out where ever you are!", I called out mockingly.

I continued stalking through the halls before stopping in my tracks after I caught the sound of giggling through the wall. It was a room I forgot to search through, sounds like they must be in there or at least one of them. The laughter grew quiet quickly as it heard my foot steps. They must be in there.

I tip toed my way through the entrance, making sure to not give out my position. I continued my search.

"I know you're in here~. You can't hide from little ol' Bendy~", I taunted as I looked directly at the last two spots I didn't look through. A pile of soup and boxes. 

My eyes narrowed and a grim smile grew as I stepped closer. My shadow growing larger as I inched even nearer, the candle stick illuminating my back. My hands out stretched above me and largest grin I could muster, I look over the barrier. " Boo ", I hushed.

There wailing like banshee's were Boris and (Y/N). Faces full of terror before falling back to childish giddy.

"Found ya~", I say with my tail swinging back and forth erratically behind me in amusement.

They climb out of their home made of tin and carboard with a sign.

"Welp Bendy, looks like you win again this night", Boris says faking a defeated face.

(Y/N) nodded in agreement before looking at my pitch black eyes.

"I'm starting to get tired, I was up for along time", (Y/N) stating, a yawn following after.

 We decided to call it a night.

"Okay then, (Y/N). Follow me, I'll show you to your new room", I said already walking out.

"See ya guys! Night (Y/N).", Boris going the opposite way to his little room. I lead (Y/N) through halls, her trailing behind me. I found an old guest room only a short way away from Boris's hangout. I opened the door for her and she walked in, the place sporting a made bed and a desk with an un-lit candle on it. The room having been left the way it was many years back before the studio's irrelevance. 

"Here we are toots, your new room", I stood in the doorway watching her look at her place for the night.

As I was going to head off, I was stopped by two soft arms wrapped around my waist from behind. A head placed gently on my back. My heart threatening to stop from the sudden contact. I cracked a smile down at her from behind me.
"Thank you". We stayed like this for one more minute before finally releasing me and heading to lay on her new bed. I turn back to look at her for one last time, "N-no problem...night..(Y/N)", I smile fondly before shutting the door softly.

 Keeping a hold on the knob staring at the door for a few more seconds than needed. My mind flooding with the previous actions of that interesting lady that I couldn't help but swoon over. 

I turn on my heal, a goofy grin plastered across my round face and headed back towards Boris. 

Yandere?Bendy x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now