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Hey guys! It's your author. Hope you enjoy this story!

"Lance, what were you thinking?" Shiro questioned him. His arms were shaking as he stepped towards the smaller boy. "You could have gotten one of us killed!"

Lance shivered at the harsh glare of his elder. "I understand that but the Galra were surrounding Keith and if I didn't go there he would have die-"

"He would have been fine!" Pidge interrupted. She crossed her arms and pointed at Lance with a furious stare that rivaled Shiro's. "Kieth was perfectly fine on his own! He's capable of defending himself and obeying orders. Unlike you."

Lance frowned. "Okay, I get that but-"

Pidge shook her head. "Obviously not." She sighed. She turned around, "Maybe you could actually do something right for one?"

"It's not my fault." The moment Lance had opened his mouth ans said those words he regretted it.

"Of course it's not your fault. It's not your fault that you're not strong enough. It's not your fault that you're too stupid to actually analyze and see what the outcome might be. It's not your fault that every mistake that happens on this team is somehow related to you. It's not your fault that we probably would have defeated Zarkon months ago if you weren't involved. It definitely isn't your fault you that you're the most useless paladin on this team. Why did blue even choose you to pilot her? You're the worst paladin ever!" 

Lance stopped. He couldn't move.

"Pidge that was too much," Lance heard Keith say to the smallest of the group.

Hunk nodded his head, "I have to agree with Keith."

Shiro shook his head. "She does have a point though. Please take things seriously Lance."

Keith sighed. If you can't beat 'em agree with them to some extent. "I guess-"

Hunk frowned. "no he-"

"It's okay Hunk," he heard Lance speak out. Lance gave a small sad smile and Hunk felt his heart squeeze. He recognized that smile and it was not a good feeling. He turned to his 'teammates' "It's all true." 

Lance turned away to walk back to his room.

No one chased after him. Maybe if one of them did, none of the following events would have happened. 

Okay guys, few notes. Although this is a continuation, there are a few changes I made to it to make it flow more with the ending I made for the story. Once again, original author, if you are not okay with this, tell me immediately. I don't want to take off with your work. 

Thanks for reading! 

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