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"begin training level 18" Lance spoke out. He prepared himself. The gladiator dropped from the ceiling and onto the floor. Lance shot at the robot, dodging as needed. The gladiator hit Lance with the end of the stick causing Lance to fall back.

"End training sequence."

Lance attempted to get up only to fall back in exhaustion. He placed both hands on the ground as was finally able to sit up. It took far too much effort just to stand up. He got in four steps before having to grab onto the wall for support. Everything hurt; his legs felt numb, his arms were bruised and heavy and his chest felt as if a car ran over him.

He limped into his bedroom, stripping down and climbing into the shower so he could wash off the blood and sweat from his body. He fell over twice trying to get the shampoo but luckily didn't injure himself further. 

Once out he dressed in his sleeping gowns that the castle provided and nestled into his bed ready for sleep.

Though he wasn't  prepared for the noise. 

Alarms blared loudly and Allura could be heard through the microphones.

Lance groaned in both annoyance and pain.

He lifted his leg off the bed. The shower had lessened the pain to the point where he could walk again but there was a slight limp on his right leg where the robot hit him with its rod.

He pulled on a white shirt different from his usual attire since he wouldn't be ale to put last nights clothing into the washing machine. He did, however, keep his jacket to hide the multiple bruises covering his body.

Lance walked into the bridge, everyone staring at him with blank faces. 

Lance cocked his head. "What?"

Allura shook her head. "You're 10 minutes late," she walked past the others. "Why?"

Lance looked up through his eyelashes. "Last night I was-"

"Never mind," she cut him off. "You're never on time."

Lance felt his stomach drop. 

I'm sorry,

That's all he wanted to say but he couldn't get it out. 

"I was just-"

"Coran can you hand me that panel right there?" Allura called out.

Lance looked down. His headache was coming back and his exhaustion didn't help.

"Lance let's go." Keith spoke out to him. While Lance was staring off into pace the other paladins had decided to go to the training room.

"Oh, uh, yeah."

"Lance to your left!" Shiro called out. 

Lance doged abd swung his bayard around to shoot at the robot. Having dead armz, he ended up doing a full circle because he didn't have the strength to stop himself. 

The gladiators strike was meant for the cuban male but ended up hitting Keith in the back. It shoved Keith into Shiro causing both to fall into Lance.

"Lance what the actual hell was that shit?" Pidge called from her spot on the floor.

"Pidge, language." Shiro groaned.

"I'm sorry. Lance what the actual heck was that shit?"

Shiro groaned once more in response. 

"I'm sorry. My mind isn't in the right place today. just got a bit distracted." Lance explained. He climbed out from under the two.

Hunk frowned. "Did you sleep fine?" He put a hand on lance's shoulder. "You seemed pretty spooked last night."

Lance smiled. "Fine, really! Got a good 8 hours!"

Hunk smiled. 

"Maybe you could use those 8 hours to train more," Keith grumbled.

Shiro pushed Keith off him and stood up. "Lance are you sure you're good?"

Lance just smiled. "Yeah. Let's just try again."

Shiro nodded.

"Start training level 8"

The gladiator dropped down in front of him. It went straight towards him, ignoring the rest. It was as if it was on some auto lock system.

Lance aimed at the robot, his knee on the ground to keep him steady. He tried to align the robot and the gun but the robot kept jumping in the air. If Lance wasn't exhausted he felt he would've been able to hit his target.

But then again. He was hurt, tired, and his headache hadn't gone away. 

He pulled the trigger when the gladiator was only a few feet away, It moved out of the way, hitting Pidge in the stomach.

"End training sequence!" Someone shouted. Lance couldn't see straight. He had shot hit team mate. He had shot Pidge.

"I-" Lance tried to say.

"What the hell Lance?" Keith screamed. He ran over to Pidge who was unconscious. 

"Hunk go get Coran and tell him to get a pod ready!" Shiro ordered. 

Lance shook his head. 

"Shiro, I-"

"Lance you're not helping!" he snapped. Shiro kept his hands on Pidge's neck, making sure she still had a pulse. 

Keith was furious. "You did that on purpose didn't you?

Lance stepped back. "What? No! I-"

"I don't need a half-assed excuse!" he screamed. 

"But I-"

Shiro shook his head, "Lance I understand what Pidge said hurt you, but this it too far."

"It wasn't that! I'm just-"

"SHUT UP!" Shiro shouted loudly. Lance couldn't breathe. Keith was frozen in shock. 

"Just-" Shiro took a deep breath. "Go away Lance."

Lance looked down. He felt Keith glaring into his back as he turned and walked out.

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