Chapter Six

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"Do we have to go inside?" I asks starring at the hospital in front of us.

"Yes we do now come on before we are late." Sam says hitting my shoulder lightly. I look over at him and smile.

"Okay okay I'm following." I say as I follow Sam closely into the hospital. The women behind the counter gives us a smile and a nod letting us walk into the room.

Once we arrive the same two doctors greet us. We sit down as normal and listen to the same old boring directions and all the same old boring questions the doctor asks. Even though we were literally here yesterday, not much has changed or happened in 24 hours.

"Okay Sam so we are going to take you to a room where we are going to do a MRI to look at tissue, bones and anything else that needs saving." The shorter man says. I look at Sam nervously not liking the word MRI, tissue, bone and saving being used.

"Am I allowed to come?" I asks quietly. Sam looks at me sadly.

"No you can't Mr.Brock I'm sorry. We will be back soon." The doctor says as Sam puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be fine." Sam whispers. I watch as he walks out of the room leaving me with the normal doctor in awkward silence again.

"So how have things been?" The doctor says trying to start a conversation.

"Its literally been 24 hours since you saw us last..." I say with sass in my voice.

"Right well, how are you Colby? Your feelings and stuff?"

"No offense but if I wanted to talk to someone about how I'm feeling I would be at a therapist right now not a hospital."

"Right, sorry."

"It's cool.....just freaked." I say leaning my head back on the wall counting the minutes until Sam comes back.

*30 minutes later*

I hear the door open and I look over quickly. I see Sam walk in and the other doctor.

"Come back tomorrow morning. 10am sharp. We will be doing surgery on Sam's leg." The doctor says. He prints some stuff out and hands it to Sam.

"Here's more information about everything. I'll see you both tomorrow." The doctor says walking out. I look at Sam with confused eyes as we also walk out in the hallway.

I watch as the two doctors walk away until I start asking Sam questions.

"What happened?" I ask nervously.

"The Cancer is spread to much..." Sam says sadly.

"Okay so what's going to happen? Why didn't anyone tell me anything?"

"Right below my knee down is going to be gone Colby. I'm gonna have a fake leg. That's what's happening." Sam says angrily as he turns around and walks off with his crutches.

I stand in the hallway highly confused but also sad and angry at the same time. How was I supposed to know that? No one told me shit.

I sigh loudly and run my hand  through my hair and then over my face before I start walking down the hallway. Once I get outside I see Sam leaning against the car.

"About time." Sam mumbles under his breath. He turns around and heads to the other side of the car and I close my eyes tightly breathing in sharply.

I soon get in the car and drive us home quickly. Once I get out of the car Sam looks at me.

"Are we telling the roommates?" He asks still using a angry voice.

"Yeah of course." I say walking behind Sam.

"Okay I was just wondering if you couldn't wait to tell them. You driving like a maniac." Sam says as we walk in side and shut the door.

"No I wasnt." I say getting highly annoyed.

"Yeah you were. There was no need to speed home like that." Sam says as he walks into the living room. I see all the roommates and they all look at us weird. Great they heard us.

"I was just trying to get home Sam. I'm quite annoyed."

"Well you could of at least been a little slower Colby."

"You know what Sam. Will you fucking cut it out!? Honestly. I know you have cancer and your fucking freaked out about it but so am I.

I am fucking terrified and it's not like your loosing a organ or like all your hair or you have to be in a hospital for years.

So there's no need to fucking treat me like shit Sam. I had no idea what the fuck was happening at the hospital because no one told me.

You know there's two people in this relationship. Not just one!" I scream at Sam. He looks at me with fear and guilt in his eyes but all I do is turn around and walk upstairs slamming and locking my door behind me.

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