Chapter Nine

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Driving over to the hospital was weird. The entire car ride was quiet. Too quiet. The only thing you could hear was the soft music playing and our breath.

Once we parked outside of the giant building Sam looks over at me with fear in his eyes.

"I don't want to go anymore..."

"I know. It'll be okay. I'll be in there the whole time waiting for you, okay? Just keep that in mind." I say grabbing Sam's hand, "you'll be fine."

Sam looks at me and I can physically and mentally see him calm down. I give him a little squeeze before I get out of the car and help Sam out.

Heading inside the waiting room we see the lady behind the counter. We walk over and grab some papers and sit down. I fill out all the information and wait for the doctor.

"Mr.Golbach?" I hear. I turn my head and see a different doctor.

"That's me." Sam says. He looks at me real quick and I grab his hand.

"I'm gonna be right here. I won't leave unless I truly have too okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I say. Sam stands up and follows the doctor disappearing behind walls.

After about thirty minutes I start to get nervous. Not knowing what to really do I get my phone out and start to text Brennen, Corey, Elton and Aaron.

Colby: Guys I'm freaking out. Sitting here alone isn't helping me. Can one of you come to the hospital? I hate being here alone.

Corey: Yeah man. I'll be there. Anything for you and Sam.

Elton: I'll come too. I'll be there soon.

Aaron: Sorry I would but I'm not even close to home right now. I'll try making it later

Brennen: Yeah bro. Anything for you two

Colby: thx guys

I put my phone up and lean my head on the wall waiting for the roommates. About fifteen more minutes and I see Elton and Corey.

"Hey Colby. Any word?"

"No. None. It's been about 45 minutes.......waiting here is just adding to my nerves"

"Maybe we should get out of the hospital for a bit."

"No. No. I promised Sam I would stay." I say looking at the two friends.

"Well at least just step outside and get some air." Corey says. I sigh but agree anyways. We all head outside seeing Brennen walk up.

"Hey bro! What's going on?"

"Nothing........just freaked." I say quietly. I fell tears in my eyes and all the roommates all look at each other. I quickly look down at the ground.

"Colby, he'll be okay."

"I hope so." I say wiping at my eyes, "I really hope so."


Basically just a filler chapter. Really didn't know what to put in this chapter at all so it's not the best one. A new chapter will be up later today.

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