I Still Care (RedxBlue) [PART 2]

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Blue's POV


Something wasn't right about me. Blame my impairment, not me. My kisses were obviously sliding on his lips lazily, sloppy as I continued, letting my mind turn off, Red's breath started to become alarmingly quicker as I chewed on him, eventually his arms were against the locks of my elbows, now desperately pushing me back. I stopped, my body warm and my heart fidgeting.

"Blue, you're drunk." Red's voice trembled, "I need to get you home."

"I'm fine, I... I swear I'm metering out." I protested.

"Blue please this isn't you."

"Red, you don't even know me!" I started to burn up, "You don't know anything about me!"
"H-how can you say that?! We've been friends for a few months!"
"Red quit embarrassing yourself! We both know we're hiding our true selves!"

Red's POV


That stopped me. I froze. I couldn't think of a counter because: it's true. I'm not who I think I am. I've fooled everyone; I fooled even myself to the point that it was true to my eyes. I've been hiding it for so damn long, I don't even know who the hell I am anymore.

"Red... Think all you want, think of me as crazy; think of me as drunk," he murmured, licking my neck, whispering in my ear, "But I think... I think this is the only way we can ignite who we are. I care about you, and we've trapped ourselves in fear for so long." He give me a sloppy kiss on my neck once more, "Let's be free; just for tonight."

I can't say anything at all at this point, all I can do, was let him take me as he launched me on the pub-table, pinning me, and chewing on my lip once more. His hands rubbed on my ribs as he massaged the side of my torso. His free hand groped my ass, making me gasp as he chuckled launching his tongue inside my cavern, he continued to make a meal out of me, as was just taking it. What an asshole! Who does he think he is taking advantage of my weaknesses like that?

Blue's POV


I knew one way or another he'd crack: break free. I continued to chip away at him, taking him into a trance, I knew how he truly is, I just need to free him from his cage, the problem is; where's the key? His ass is surprisingly plump for his petite figure. I break the kiss slowly, getting lost into his bold, brilliant blue eyes. I was, I guess, hypnotized, feeling a bit weak trying to find him inside his innocent shell, only to be flipped onto the pub's table, my back now stinging in pain; my god... he... he might be even stronger than me. "How dare you make me a toy; that's my job~"

My eyes widened, finally realizing I ignited his dark side. I'm going to regret this, aren't I?

He kisses my neck as my ears witnessed a sharp tear: my shirt! My chest and torso was now exposed, I wanted to fight back but his strength was too much. He finally kidnapped my arms, holding down the elbow joints, chuckled sinisterly. Red licked his lips as he freed one of my hands and wrapped his hand around my torso, now leaning over and sucking on my dense nipple, he was harsh on my body. What gotten into him? I think I deserve it; I was completely abusing him. This is probably revenge.

After a few physical protests, the more I struggled the more he took advantage of my sensitive points, paralyzing me over and over and over, my brain melted as my voice became lighter. My wake up call: a freely loud moan escaping my lips.

My yearning voice bounced around the room, echoing: fuck. I knew now what kind of position I was in; I was his little puppet. The last thing that I wanted. I succumbed to him, knowing what kind of rank I was.

He scanned my now defenseless figure, looking over the growing bulge under my tights. He smirked, dragging my legs on front hanging over the table forcing me to sit up for comfort.
I felt him tearing up the joint of my tights, as he teased my balls, nipping on them and dragging them gingerly with his teeth.

I was losing my sanity, it's too much to bare! I thought I was going to be his master but no! No! I have to be his play-thing for now! Just minutes ago I was toying with him, and now I'm sitting on the table watching in both horror and ecstatic pleasure as he slowly forms me to a defenseless gazelle. I was strong, mighty. I was feared, a silencer of the room, but now? No I'm the one trembling.

I am the one trembling...

As much as I am fucking fearing my life now, I wanted this. I wanted him to be like this. I wanted him to be who he truly is behind the four walls he hides in. I want him to ravish me. I want him to take me. I'm the one who makes him cry, to make him run, to make him worry, but I don't want him to be like that. I want him comfortable around me, and I achieved what I wanted.

I threw my head back as he hit a sweet spot, cumming hard now as he sucked out my nectar, winking at me once he let go.

Just before I can fucking breath for a god damn moment, he threw me face down. There was no need to take off my tights, at least in his view just tear up a hole and dig in. I felt him slam his cock inside my asshole as he pounded inside me, he continued for a while
"I know you love this~" he moaned in my ear.

I chuckled coyly, "Not the way you think I do."

"So you admit you do," he hissed.

"Red: just the hell up and fuck me!"

He goes faster, toying with my balls a bit more with his fingers and pushing a finger in to my mouth, limiting my speech: "cum for me~"

I tried to hold back, as much as I could, but I thought: why fight it. I splattered all over the counter. My voice light and limitless, cumming a little more once I felt his batter flooding my asshole, slowly pulling out, letting me saver the sensation of his cum flowing out onto my asshole on to one of the ottomans. "That's better." He turned me around kissing me titillatingly, parting my lips and finally loosening his grip on my now scarred, bruised body. "

Let's go home... you need to sleep."

I nodded, even though it was almost dawn, I had to agree with him. Things can't go back to normal now. Hopefully he'll understand that he can be open and not be a little kitten all the time. Though, it'll be weird if he doesn't at all. Let him be him, I'll be softer on him from now onward...


Emotional Personas: FourSwords+ LemonWhere stories live. Discover now