I'm better for you (GreenXReaderXBlue) [Part 1]

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Reader's POV
I started dating Blue about a month ago. I was very insistent on dating me. To be honest. I wanted Green, but I guess he just didn't feel the same about me like Blue does. He loves me. Green doesn't give a damn. I gave up at Week 2, and started to actually enjoy Blue's company. He was the only one who could see how much of a true person I am. It's just simple.
Green's Pov
Ever since Blue and (Y/N) started dating, I didn't think too much of it, he's impulsive, violent and sexually driven. So I thought it wouldn't last a week tops, but seeing how oblivious (Y/N) is, the more bruises I saw on her, the more pissed off I've become. I couldn't take much more of it, but I just idle, and act like I don't notice. However it isn't in my nature to do that. I'm the leader! I'm the true hero! I should be in charge! However I can't lash out at Blue like this, not at all. I'll need to confront (Y/N)
A few days has passes: laundry day. As I was scrubbing the clothes spotless, Red hanging them dry carelessly, and Vio, most graceful of us all, ironing and folding them flat, Blue was, as usual, no where to be seen. I knew for sure he wasn't with (Y/N); this was my opportunity. I snuck in at night, and knocked on her door, opening it gingerly.
"(Y/N)?" I breathed, "Hello?"
No direct response, just some shuffling.
"(Y/N?) can I come in?" I secretly begged.
With that, the door opened up gradually, her peaking out.
"H-hi Green!" Her eyes lit up, "what brings you here?" She looked at me with those vivid, glistening (E/C) eyes."
"I'm here for weekly check up..."
"Oh! Right!" All of her sudden her checks were completely crimson. Stripping down to complete bare.
Reader's POV
Every Sunday is normal; laundry day, cleaning day and most importantly, specifically for me, check up.
Check up is a tedious job; a job to be kept formal and full of non-scattered thoughts. I strip to nothing, sit down on one of the tables, no eye contact, as he examines any wounds, any infections or bites. But I noticed something different. Green's touch was more gentle and my body became more and more sensitive. There wasn't any different pattern on where he touches, just how delicate they are.
"...more bruises?" He muttered.
"Yes... Blue and I's walks are getting more rickety. In places unseen sometimes."
"At night...?" His tone was more suspicious.
"Yes... the stars are out sometimes..."
"It rained yesterday..." he countered.
I couldn't respond as slyly this time. He knew something was up between Blue and I.
"(Y/N)... I don't want you to lie to me anymore... he's hurting you, isn't he?"
"N...not intentionally."
The moment that I finished that one sharp syllable, he pivoted and flared at me right in the eyes. Never before have I been so threatened by Greenie... and this time, it wasn't Shadow in surprise.
"Do... NOT... lie to me." His azure eyes were dull and his expression stoic as ever. He's extremely serious. For someone who looks like the 2nd youngest in the clan, all of his expressions seemed to be almost like...
My face shied away, cowering... I didn't feel threatened, as if I was going to be harmed, but more so full of guilt. No matter how much I want it to be masked, it was smeared all over my face.
I was abused by Blue.
"(Y/N) I..." his face finally softened, "I know it's too late, but... I can't bare the thought of you being struck by him again... you deserve better."
I was stunned completely. I knew that he had feelings for me, but to open up completely such as this, was the surprise. I both felt relieved and ashamed.
After a long groan-out silence, "Get Dressed."
Green's POV
After that moment, I heard the door knob fidget, as if cracked open, blue looked nothing more but a dark menacing figure where the light shined upon his back. "Green... get away from her,"
I'd usually dejectedly walk out the door, but not this time. I dug my heels in and faced him.
"Green! Quit the leader crap! I've just the right as you! Now get out!"
I stayed my ground.
Blue had a scoff as his face became coy. "Ooooh I see how it is~!"
His hand dove into my shirt and left my legs dangling. He's the strongest out of all of us naturally. If I wanted to come out alive I'd just appease, but I can't; I'm naturally a person to protect the innocent.
(Y/N) had scrambled against a wall. "Don't you see she's afraid of her."
"Cut the crap, Vanilla!" Like a towel he tossed me against the ground, My knee was scraped, just timidly. "You has your chance! And you missed it."
Wincing, I picked myself up. "Can't we do this in a logical manner?"
By the window, I saw Vio's head perk up, he started to strut closer to Blue's cabin. His form was completely straight, perfect. "You too... front and center."
His voice was hushed. He was the most intimidating out of all of us, why? Because when we shout it's noise, but if he's angry... it's punctual lingo, and god forbid ignoring such. We both obeyed.

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