Chapter 8

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The moment that the group got back to STAR Labs, Harry brought them to a room that was set up with a medical bay bed and Caitlin instantly got to work on Astrid, as Cisco sat by her bedside and Harry and the World Walker took the evil clone down into the pipeline to lock him away.

Earth 1's Cisco looked around in the cortex and realized that Barry and Caitlin weren't there. However, there were wet puddles and small amounts of ice.

He swore out loud as he realized that Killer Frost had been the one responsible for the mess, and that Barry hadn't contacted them, to alert them of the situation.

"I just locked up my evil clone in the pipeline. We will look at reversing the effects and getting the other Barry's speed back, soon... What happened here?" Earth 2's Harry asked him, as he looked around at the mess.

"I'm thinking Killer Frost. We need to find them, before she does something to Barry." He replied. He touched one of the puddles and willed for a vibe to come. Unfortunately, none did.

"Seriously, Ramon! What's touching a puddle going to do?" Harry questioned him. "For a smart man. You're pretty stupid!"

"Well, do you have a better idea?" he asked.

"Actually, I do. Maybe we can get the dopplegangers, to see if they can locate their Barry." Harry replied.

"Don't you think that they have other things to worry about, other than hearing that another one of their friends is in trouble, thanks to us?" Cisco asked.

"Think about the alternative if something happens to him... I know that you want to believe that Caitlin is still in there... but when will you learn, Ramon... Killer Frost is not Caitlin. She is unstable and she is dangerous. What do you think that she will do to their Barry? Especially considering he has no powers to defend himself, all because you put him up to it, on a notion that your Barry might have been able to reach her. When will you just stop and start facing the facts, that both your Barry and Caitlin are..."

"Don't you say it, Harry!" Cisco shouted at him. "They're not gone! And I don't care what you, or Iris says. I will get them both back!"

Harry was thrown off guard as he realized that Cisco had his hand raised up at him, ready to shoot a blast at him. "I'm sorry, Harry. I don't know what came over me." he said, as he stopped himself.

"I know what came over you... You're only human... You just experienced anger in regards to losing your two best friends! It's to be expected!"

"Maybe you're right. Maybe we do need to go and ask them for their help." Cisco said in defeat.

Barry had managed to lose the patrol car, and had found Caitlin in an old abandoned warehouse across town. She was crying and she seemed very frightened.

"Barry? Wait, that's right... you're the other Barry." She said trying to put the pieces back together.

"Yeah, I am. Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I don't know what I've done. I can't control her when she does what she does." Caitlin said, through sobs.

"I understand. but I promise you, you will learn to. It just takes a little time." He replied.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked him.

"Yeah, of course you can." He replied as he sat down, beside her.

"There's a part of me that prefers when she takes over. I've gone through a lot. I've had my heart broken more than a few times... and sometimes, it's easier that way. But then when I realize all the mess that she has made... all I have is regret!" she said, as a tear fell down her face. Barry wiped it away and held her close.

"Caitlin is so lucky to have you." She told him, as she sobbed into his chest. "I just wish that... look, never mind." She stopped herself before she said anything that could come back to haunt her.

"No, you can tell me. You can trust me, Caitlin." Barry replied.

Caitlin sat back up and wiped her own tears away. "I fell in love with the Barry from our earth. I even kissed a shape shifter who looked like him. But then, when Barry insisted on being with Iris... I wasn't going to stand in his way for being with the one he truly loves. Now, that he's stuck in the speedforce... and according to Cisco, Iris has taken charge of everything... it's just not the same anymore. She's not even willing to try to get Barry back! But, at least if he isn't back... I don't have to see him with her. Not while I'm so unstable. I know that sounds selfish... I really shouldn't have said it!"

Barry listened to everything that she was saying. The way that this Caitlin felt about his doppleganger surprised him. True love was one person who was willing to push their own feelings aside for the object of their desire to be happy. It was no wonder why this girl was so sad. It also explained why his Caitlin always felt so insecure when it came to the Iris back on his earth.

"You're not selfish. My friend Astrid is always saying that we are allowed to feel the way that we feel. She's right. Besides, you being selfish would mean that you would stop at nothing to keep the two of them apart. But I know you, Caitlin. You're not that girl. You're just like my Caitlin. It's quite scary, in fact."

Caitlin smiled, as she wiped the last of her tears away. "But, I just hope that Cisco understands that I can't go back with him just yet. Things can't go back the way they were before. Not while I'm so unstable with Killer Frost."

"Yeah... He's also pretty much the same as our Cisco. He's persistent, so we both know that he will keep on trying. But I know that things will work out for you. Frost isn't such a bad guy... girl, I mean! And she cares about you... you'll see. Once you stop fighting her and accept her. Things will get easier. Just watch!" Barry said with a smile, that made Caitlin laugh.

Suddenly, a breach formed in front of them and out walked Earth 1's Cisco. "Thank God we found the pair of you... I have some bad news!" he said solemnly.

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