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The moonlight shone through the entrance of the cavern, providing them with the only source of light as the pack tore at the raw meat intemperately while Ferhia and Kilfer ate silently.

Her thoughts wandered to elsewhere as she ate the fish. Fifteen days later she would be fourteen, and for that, even Kilfer started shunning away from her, and when she asked why he simply answered, 'Inauspicious year for ya.'

Kilfer strode towards the pack and they turned, welcoming him and leaving Ferhia alone by herself. She seemed together with the pack, but was in fact alone, different from Kilfer and the wolves. She seemed like an oasis in the dry desert, an island in a vast sea, a single star in an empty sky. She was within them, but she was different; at least the Pack treated her as an outsider.

Ferhia glanced at the altar, a small house with a statue of the Wolf God inside it. Three candles flickered in front of the little house, the silhouette of the house flickering in the darkness. It gave her confidence every time she stared into the yellowish glow.

"Ferhia," Kilfer sat beside her, jolting her out of her thoughts, "Lonely?"

Ferhia did not answer for a while and continued staring at the flames. Kilfer saw where her gaze was locked upon and turned back to her, "Sure you do seem lonely."

"Now you have finally realized," Ferhia finally turned, looking straight at Kilfer's bloodshot eyes.

Kilfer wanted to say something, then he paused realizing that something was not right with Ferhia but finally spoke, choosing his words carefully, "I know that you're angry about me because you feel excluded. I really have no choice, for something would be about to happen--"

Kilfer caught his words suddenly and fell silent, and Ferhia did not speak. It was clear he was keeping something from her. Something that she ought to know, something ominous. The duo sat there for a few awkward moments before Kilfer looked away, sighing, "I cannot say much about this, but I received a vision about you -- and that can't be avoided."

Ferhia sat up straight, looking at Kilfer suspiciously. Not once in her life did Kilfer mention anything about a vision about her, and this time it seemed like an ominous one.

"What'd you mean?"

"I can't tell you much now, but try to stay away for the Pack for now. No matter how hard the truth is, I have to tell you this -- you don't belong here."

Kilfer walks back to the pack, leaving Ferhia stunned. You don't belong here. Kilfer's words stung her hard, deep into her mind and heart. She sat, staring at the candles, but her mind was numb.

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