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Kilfer was deep in thought.

He had come so far from the Edge to this island which he never knew existed, just to earn hope for himself, for Ferhia, and for Mirdaff. He was so close, yet if everything was not real, if the tunnel they were walking to was a dead end? What if Bronswig lied to him all along, and the darkness was destined to usurp all he loved... what if Ferhia's prophecy was true all along?

Kilfer did not dare think further. Perhaps Mirdaff knew about the darkness, but he would never have known how dangerous they were, and the future of all the realms rested on their hands.

Then, Kilfer paused. He heard something as soft as the tiniest breeze that whistled across his ears, music that was so soft it was barely audible.

Behind, Mirdaff bumped onto him.

"Why did you stop?" Mirdaff asked but Kilfer turned back and placed a finger on his lips. Mirdaff immediately fell silent, but when Kilfer went back to listen, the music was no more.

Kilfer walked on in agitation that he had lost the music, but as he rounded a bend he saw a ray of orange light bouncing off the walls that illuminated what was in front. He slowed down and glanced ahead, and the tunnel widened out to an entire hall at the first glance but was more like a shaft when Kilfer finally stepped out.

There was no ground, and what Kilfer stepped on was only a ledge, and it opened up to an empty void beneath. When he glanced up, the blue skies were the only thing above him. The shaft seemed to lead to nowhere when he saw an opening on the stone face on the opposite side.

"Mirdaff," Kilfer spoke as Mirdaff came out of the tunnel behind him, "We are here, and the only way forward is the entrance there." Kilfer jabbed at the opening on the opposite side and Mirdaff saw it immediately.

"No! I'm not going flying with you again," Mirdaff shook his head, "Especially when it is a void below!"

"I don't mean that," Kilfer said, "No one said we're going flying. Look carefully."

Mirdaff stared at the entrance and Kilfer himself was also quite amazed to find the way to the entrance across the shaft, it was a thin stick connecting between the two ends of the shaft, the same colour, and shade as the stone wall of the shaft that Kilfer could barely make out the stick that was barely as thick as one of his foot.

"What? I see the opening, but there's nothing else," Mirdaff turned to Kilfer, frowning skeptically.

"I'll show you. Watch," Kilfer walked to the stick and placed a foot on the stick. He did not know why he chose not to simply fly to the other side, but he knew he could only walk for flying to the other side in such an enclosed space with a void below is dangerous, perhaps a fatal choice. Yet, while walking on the stick his life was also at stake, for any wrong step would result in him plummeting down into the darkness below.

Kilfer took another step. His foot landed on the stick. He held out his hands for balance, and the darkness below seemed to be extending its grasp towards him, slowly tugging him down. Kilfer did not know if it was simply a figment of his imagination or something else, but looked up and continued. On his outstretched hands, the weight of Ferhia in the box strained his strength and there was no support. It was just his determination and the void.

With every step, the entrance grew closer, and he could hear music and see light emanating from within. He felt comfort from the warmth of the orange light and hope from the simple melody.

"Kilfer!" He heard Mirdaff shout, "I'm coming!"

Kilfer did not reply. He did not want Mirdaff to walk behind him for he feared that Mirdaff might fall any moment, yet he could not utter a word for his life was at stake too.

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