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The night that came after the battle was a sleepless night. Only at dawn did Kilfer manage to sleep for barely an hour before he was rudely interrupted by a rushed, loud series of knocks on his door. Kilfer groggily stood, and muttered barely loud enough for the person outside to hear him, "Come in."

The door barged open and there Marr stood, his face pale with fear, "Master Kilfer! We need your help, there is another attack now, the remaining dark soldiers and other demons are destroying our city walls and killing our wizards, we can't hold them for long!"

Kilfer's eyes widened, grabbed his sword lying at the corner of his room and strode outside, "Come, let's go."

Both wizards flew towards the wall, and Kilfer immediately realized that the forces were more and much deadlier than the previous attack. Besides the mere troops which could be easily destroyed with usual wizardry weapons, the demons that usually hid behind the mists of darkness were out huge dark giants who were demolishing the wall and heads that hovered within the air and delivered blasts of purple magic to destroy the archers on the wall. Behind everything, Kilfer saw the true nightmare, the nightmare that was real, and right in front of them.

However, the looming figure had only its massive hands extending out of the dark mists, and with every movement of his hands the demons attacked, and Kilfer quickly realise that the Ghost was controlling them, and by destroying the Ghost would allow the demons to be unorganized and would lead them to victory, although that was nearly impossible.

Kilfer and Marr landed on the wall as the first troops reached the top of the wall. Kilfer drew his sword and the dance of blades began. With his magic, Kilfer handled his sword with such fluidity that the sword seemed to become part of him, and he cut and killed many. A sword cut him on the thigh deep enough for blood to stain his tunic red, but he continued. He suddenly felt that he could not feel pain, and only an immortal being could do so, and when Kilfer glanced down the wound was healed. Kilfer felt the difference, he was suddenly far stronger than he was the night before, and even if he trained the entire night he could not become an immortal or anything near it. Unless...

A wave of magic came directly at him and hit him, and he was caught off-guard and sent him falling onto the floor, his sword skidding out of his reach. When he tried to stand up, two dark soldiers were already on him, lifting their swords, one preparing to cut his neck and the other to embed its sword into his heart, and both had the nightmarish red eyes and lunatic grin, and he knew no one -- not even an immortal could survive a stab to the neck or heart. Kilfer swiftly landed a kick on one of the soldiers and sent a blast of magic onto the face of another. The magic hit him in the face and it burned, and the last Kilfer heard was the soldier's cries of pain until it died into a pile of black, smoking goo. The other soldier tried to attack him but he dodged just as the soldier planted his sword down and reached for his sword, and used magic to pull it to his grasp and parried the other hit, and they fought on the edge of the wall. Kilfer tried using his magic but the dark soldier dodged every hit and he noticed that he was a much harder opponent than the rest. Yet, he was no match for Kilfer. Kilfer sidestepped an attack, and pushed him off the wall. The last thing he heard from the soldier was the echoes of the his scream as he plummeted down the wall.

Another tried to stab him from behind, but Kilfer shot a blast of magic that seared its face and with a swift stroke he landed a lethal cut to the throat, and blood spurted on his face.

He glanced around. They were already heavily outnumbered, and with the many demons destroying the wall it would be soon before they perished.

"Wizards! Gather back, we're retreating!" Kilfer yelled and the surviving wizards glided into the air, and he could see that there were a mere twenty of the wizards left, and a few archers who the wizards helped lift into the air, and all were hurt, their shins, arms and faces filled with cuts, bruises and their tunic stained with blood.

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