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"Is there any way to communicate with Ferhia's soul?" Mirdaff asked Mizervon. They had seen all the destruction that happened in Eltbourgh, and Mirdaff hoped Kilfer was alright. Night had just set in, and Mizervon led him to their room, and they were still walking through a corridor that led from the main hall to their room.

"Only if she wants to talk," Mizervon replied, "But why did you ask?"

"I mean... she might know something, and she might have the magic to assist Kilfer."

"What? So she wields magic?" Mizervon paused in his footsteps, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"She helped Kilfer before, but she could use her magic to guarantee Kilfer safety," Mirdaff said.

"You do have a point. Let's find out," Mizervon nodded, and drew a portal with his finger, "Come, this leads to where Ferhia is lying now."

They passed through it to a small, dimly-lit room, and there was nothing except for Ferhia's body, cold and her skin was pale, and her soul within her mortal shell was the only thing that prevented her mortal self from decay.

"Here, sit beside me," Mizervon instructed as the wizard sat before the corpse. Mirdaff followed and Mizervon spoke chants that sounded so eerie that Mirdaff seemed to feel a tingling sensation on his spine. As the chants continued, Ferhia's body started to glow, from a dull purplish hue to a bright sapphire glow that illuminated the entire room. Mirdaff knew that Mizervon saw the change, but the chants still continued.

After a few moments, the glow transformed into something unexpected, and a figure rose out of the light, and Mizervon stopped abruptly in his chants. Then all was silent until Ferhia's ghost spoke.

"Why did you call me?"

"About Kilfer, your brother. You know that he is in peril, and his life is at stake now..." Mizervon spoke.

"You want me to try saving him? I can't, the darkness does not allow me to."

"What do you mean? You're in the Hall of the Seven Kings, you're safe. You do have magic to help him, do you?" Mirdaff piped up.

"They are still trapping me wherever I go. It's no use. But I can tell you something else that you might want to know."

"What is it?"

"You cannot tell Kilfer about it, or the Ghost will kill me but... I can tell you the only weakness of the Ghost."


Kilfer lay on a bed, soft bell chimes ringing. His body hurt, but it had already subsided a lot and was left with a dull throb.

His eyes opened and struggled to get up. There was no one in sight, and he was in a room that was made from wood from the ceiling to the floorboards. The door was ajar, and he walked slowly towards the door. His body felt quite cumbersome but he managed to reach the door and pushed the door lightly. It swung open and in front of him was a walkway and he found that he was in some sort of a wizardry training school.

Around him, there were people of all ages wielding staffs and wands, and when he glanced beyond the walkway he there was a huge street filled with people and shops. Night had just fallen, and Kilfer stood at the walkway, glanced down to the bustling street below.

"Master Kilfer," Someone called him from behind. He turned, and found Marr standing behind him, "We are at Diamerkus now, you were lying on a street unconscious when I found you, you should have some more rest. We are now at the Wizardry Institution of Diamerkus, the Elder Wizards here are already informed of our presence, so we are safe here."

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