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The Alpha lay on a rock, its eyes shut tight, seemingly in a deep sleep if there was not a deep red bloodied stain on its body. The other wolves lay, partially covered in the deep snow, and the scene drew closer.

There was a twitch, suddenly on its snout. The view paused, before drawing closer till it was so close it was right beside the Alpha's eyes.

Then it opened.

The Alpha's eyes flickered open. But its eyes flared with savageness, red and menacing and bloodthirsty like a wolf born to kill. The wolf the Alpha once was was long gone, now he could feel the indomitable spirit for revenge and the will to slaughter.


Kilfer woke.

The dream was so surreal, and he woke in gasps of shock, and slowly he surveyed the surroundings. It was still the silence of the night, accompanied by the soft night breeze.

Ferhia was still asleep, but Kilfer just could not sleep, as the reddish glow of the Alpha's eyes in his dream still scorched his mind.

"Young Kilfer," A voice whispered from behind him, he turned and there the old dwarf stood.

"Oh hi," Kilfer jumped but pretended nothing happened.

"Let us talk," The dwarf hobbled up the steps, and Kilfer followed suit. Outside, the wind was not just a silent wisp, but a raging gust that whipped across Kilfer and the dwarf's cheeks continuously. The dwarf continued with Kilfer trailing behind until they finally entered a hut that Kilfer barely managed to fit through. It was a simple single-storeyed structure and in the interior is a wooden floor with a rectangular table and four chairs, all looking so simple in design.

"Come, have a seat," The dwarf ushered him to the table and they sat, while the dwarf continued, "Bronswig is my name, sorry that we did not have a good introduction to each other previously. But I have vision about the Pack--"

"I have a vision too," Kilfer cut him off yet again, "About the Pack. About the Alpha."

"What dream, you speak first, young Kilfer."

"The Alpha has awakened, its blood-red eyes. The eyes of a killer seemed so surreal, I have a bad feeling..." Kilfer's voice trailed away.

"I see. I have the same vision. This is my final warning. When you step within the Swamps, beware your family, for the spirit of the Pack might have been used by the evil forces against... you. Beware, young Kilfer. Beware," Bronswig leapt down from the chair and tottered towards the window, where the first light emnated from the east, "As the five hundredth leader of the dwarf race, I never thought the darkness would rise during my time. But now times are changing. No matter how powerful we are, fate still goes its path and there is nothing we can do to stop it."

Bronswig turned back to Kilfer, "But I hope fate would be kind to us, and I am sure of that."


As day came Kilfer and Ferhia left, and Bronswig showed them the shortest route to the Swamps but still full of dangerous traps from savage beings that stalk the Swamps.

They neared the veil to the Swamps by midday, and they felt a tugging sensation towards the Swamps, something they could not see, perchance an echo in their minds, so faint but powerful, dragging them towards the Swamps.

"You feel it?" Ferhia frowned, thrusting her gaze upwards where the veil extended upwards into the cloud, "It seems like something is calling to us..."

She paused when Kilfer placed a finger on his lips, and they halted. There was silence all around them -- until she heard it, a whistle of a simple tune emnating from the bushes in front. Silently, Kilfer crept towards the direction of the music, while Ferhia crept stealthily behind.

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