F O R C E D ♠️ M A R R I A G E

692 32 13


Requested by: Zombiegirlblood
Listening to DAGames while
writing this.


Evan pushed his glasses up, listening what the teacher is talking about. Even though he already learned it already. Evan is in high school, about to be in college by the end of the year. He skipped a few grades because of his too much knowledge in subjects, he's basically called the genius. The moment the bell rang all of the students ran out the classroom happily, while Evan took his time grabbing his things from his desk.

"Evan, come here." The teacher called out and he obliged, standing in front of her desk.

"Yes ma'am?" Evan questioned, pushing his glasses once more.

"I'm thinking of not putting you in college. It's not that you don't belong there. It's just that you already know everything without us even teaching you." She rambled on and Evan looked at her with a serious face, pulling his books close to his chest.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I refuse your offer. I would like to go to college, I take my education seriously." The teacher was surprised by his response. If she told some student about this they'll probably accept it in a heartbeat because they hate school. You don't get to see this kind of attitude like Evan.

"Okay, I'll let you go to college. I'll tell your parents." She smiled and Evan returned the gesture.

"Thank you. I'll see you later." Evan waved goodbye to his teacher and walked out the room, walking to the cafeteria for lunch. He sat down alone in the corner of the room, putting all his things on the table. Evan opened his bag and took out his lunch box, putting it on the table and started eating while reading a book he's currently interested in. Which was the third book of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes, called The Hound of the Baskervilles. He ate while reading it, his multitasking is pretty incredible. Evan basically finished the two novel books in basically four and a half days. He won't expect anything when he'll come home later.


"What do you mean marriage?!" Evan yelled, slamming his hands on the dining table.

"Evan. Manners." His father glared at him, he sat back down on his seat after saying a quiet sorry. Then his mother continued talking.

"Honey, you're going to graduate soon. So me and your dad thought about getting you married to someone." Evan inhaled air, trying not to burst in anger in front of his parents.

"Dad, Mom, I know you're just caring about my future but I want to continue my studies. I want them to finish for my own future too. Getting married with someone is going to interrupt that." He managed to say calmly, even though in the inside he's trying to not to let out his rage. Evan flinched when he heard a loud slam and the objects on the table jumped from the force.

"You're getting married if you want it or not." His dad said, scaring all of the maids and butlers around them. Evan opened his mouth to protest but he got cut off.

"No buts! Also you're not going to go to college. Starting to tomorrow you're not going to school. This conversation is over." His father said, sitting back down. Evan looks down at his hands on his lap, turning it into fists as tears fell from his eyes. He wiped it away fast and stood up from his seat, storming to his room upstairs. Evan's mother stood up and was about to follow him. 

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