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Requested by: abbyloveanime18

Sorry to say this but I'm not going to
write the smut.
I have rules for this book if you
haven't read it in the desc.

Thank you for understanding.
If you have any suggestions
comment! c:




Evan walked back happily to his home. Or should I say their home. Evan and the crew are in a poly relationship and live in the same house together. Evan was just heading home after talking to his brother Lucas about his and John's wedding. Evan whistled his Want You song, getting the glimpse of the house. It's basically a mansion cause it's literally out of nowhere and as big as an hospital. Evan unlocked the door with a spare key Luke gave him, basically everyone has a spare key. He walked in and took off his shoes and put it on the rack. Evan almost tripped on something and looked down, seeing high heels and shoes scattered everywhere.

"What the fuck...?" Evan whispered in confusion, he wished it wasn't what he was thinking. He inhaled and walked in with socks to the kitchen, hearing moans and groans from upstairs. Evan gulped down the heavy pressure down his throat, in any consequences of bad things he still went up stairs. The sounds came from the master bedroom, Evan shakily opened the door. Seeing all his lovers in bed with women. He tried so hard to keep in the tears, keyword tried. Evan couldn't stop the tears from falling and he couldn't stop his legs from running away from the scene, hearing his ex-lovers voices calling for him.

'I hate them.... Why would they do that?!'  Evan thought, not knowing where he will go to.


It's been a year since the whole cheating thing, and now Evan found himself working at a club as a stripper. His stage name is either Vanoss or Owlet. Evan walked out of his changing room, wearing his uniform that's mostly revealing his smooth tan skin. He walked around the club as his shift is still in about fifteen minutes.

"Heya Ev!" Someone greeted and looked over to see Chilled or Anthony, he's serving as the bartender in the club. Evan smiled and walked over watching Anthony return the gesture and as he performed a little trick for his customers.

"Keep up what you doin', Chilled." Evan said and chuckled after Anthony said yes sir. He walked away and something blue caught his eyes, he looked at it in the corner of his eye to see a man flirting with a girl. Evan ignored it, he was used to see everyone flirting around here. He continued to the back of the stage, his fifteen minutes about to drain. Luckily he made it before his name was called out.


The sky is now turning dark, Evan was just cleaning around the place and close it for the day, it was that easy. But hearing noises that someone is moving is making him feel uneasy. Evan sighed and continued vacuuming the floor as it's one in the morning. The bar opens in six o'clock in the morning, five or four hours is the only time he will be able to sleep peacefully. Evan wiped the sweat on his forehead, putting the vacuum cleaner in the closet where the other cleaning tools are. He walked out along the hallway, then suddenly getting dragged by a hand on his arm. Evan yelped when he was pinned on the wall, he thought he was in the private room and indeed he was. He looked up to see the crimson red eyes he used to love also seeing his other passed lovers behind them, all have guilt and sadness in their eyes. 

"Evan..." Jonathan called out. Evan noticed that he was the blue hoodied man he saw flirting with the woman. He looked away from the multiple eyes on him, managing to push Luke away from him.

"What are you guys doing here? Are you here to break my heart again?" Evan said, his dull brown eyes turned glassy due to the tears he held in. Every one of them looked down, not saying anything.

"Answer me!" Evan shouted, tears finally came out as his bottom lip quivered and sobs came out of him.

"Evan, we really are so sorry for what we did..." Evan looked up at Tyler who said that, sorrow can be seen in his eyes.

"Sorry? Do you think a simple sorry is going to fix what you guys did to me? I don't want your pitiful sorry, I want an explanation to why you guys did that." Evan said, leaning on the wall and started to wipe the tears away even though it never stopped.

"We were stressed and alone Ev. You haven't hang out with us for so long that we got frustrated. I know it's a shitty excuse but you have been hanging out with your brother that we thought you forgot about us. You're our light Evan, we didn't know why we did that. We were drunk at that time, we came to this bar to enjoy ourselves and then you came in the room with tears in your eyes. You don't understand how much we missed you and the guilt we felt in our hearts after what we did. We miss your laugh, smile, trolls and kisses. Our lives had a missing piece since you left." Brock said, his beautiful brown eyes started to water.

"Please... Please come back to us..." Jonathan continued, his blue crystal orbs looked at Evan with love and guilt. Evan crossed his arms and closed his teary eyes, he opened them again and looked at all of them. He inhaled and exhaled air, nodding with a little smile as everyone started to cheer and hugged Evan. Evan laughed a little, hugging them back. 

"I love you, guys."

"We love you too, Evy." Everyone said in unison and Evan grinned widely, happy to have them yet again. Then there was someone's stomach grumbled. They turned to Brian who blushed in embarrassment, everyone started to laugh.

"Fuck you guys!" Brian cursed holding out his hand and flipped them off.

"Wanna go home and cook some breakfast?" Craig asked and everyone nodded instantly.

"I'm cooking for today." Evan stated, walking out of the private room and to the front. 

"Yay! Evan's cooking is the best!" Evan chuckled at Lui who yelled it in his squeaker voice. Everyone was happy that morning as they ate Evan's heavenly cooking for the longest time. 

If two/many people are meant to be together,
they will eventually find their way back into each others arms...
No matter what.


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