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I saw this Earth-Chan meme,
and I thought about writing about it
but with the BBS.
I don't know how this works,
so if I got it wrong pls don't
hurt me.

Enjoy! c:


The silence inside an average house, was cut off by a muffled, painful cough. Evan sighed and strapped the cough mask on, his eyes are dull and tiredness can be seen in them. He looked at himself in the mirror, seeing his face and skin all pale and his nasa t shirt all wrinkled. His water hair as blue as ever, feeling some of the lands getting exploded making him weak a little. White clouds float around his hair. A knock was heard cutting Evan's thought and he slowly opened the bathroom door, heading to the front door as the knocking increased. He opened the door to see all his friends smiling happily in front of him, but frowned after they saw the situation their best friend is having.

"They're ruining you again?" Brian asked angrily. Brian Michael Handby, the planet Neptune. His hair turned more dark violet as it almost turned blue. Evan nodded and coughed more, almost falling to the floor until someone caught him by the waist.

"I swear to god Evan, if they make you feel even worse. I'll seriously kill all of them this time." Luke growled, carrying the Earth male to the couch and sat him down. Evan only shook his head and coughed more, his eyes half lidded as he took the mask off and smiled slightly at the male. Luke Patterson, the planet Sun as his hair burned in anger.

"Don't Luke..."

"But look at you! They're making you sick!" Somebody else yelled, getting into Evan's view. Jonathan Dennis, the planet Moon, his silver hair dimmed darkly. A curious eleven year old child sat beside Evan and looked at him with big innocent eyes.

"Brother Evan, why do you look happy when you talk about the Humans?" Lui asked as he tilted his head, holding a small ball that looks like the Pluto. Lui Calibre, the planet called Pluto, his beige hair shined proudly.

"Cause I love them." Evan smiled at the small male, as the Sun and Moon furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"Even after all those pain the Humans caused?" Lui asked again.

"Lui stop it." An Irish accent butted in. David Nagle, planet Mars, three years older than Lui.

"It's fine David. Yes Lui, I still loved them even if they hurt me."

"Will I be able to understand how you feel one day?" Lui asked that made everyone shocked, mostly Evan. When Evan didn't answer Lui continued.

"I hope God can help me understand how you feel Brother Earth." Lui said, pulling the crystalized ball close to his chest. The door busted opened with a loud slam, making (almost) everyone jump. They looked at the door to see Tyler standing there with Craig and Brock behind him.

"Am I late to the party?!" Tyler yelled and half asked, getting a smack on his head by Brock as Craig giggled. Tyler Wine, the planet made with ice and gas, also called as Uranus. Brock Snuckel is the planet called Venus and then Craig Thompson is the ring planet called Saturn. Craig's ring around his hair shined against Luke's burning fire hair. Then there is Anthony, his planet is Jupiter and he said that he has a business with the other stars and Mercury somewhere. Finally Mercury, which is Marcel Cunningham.

"Oh Evan~! I got a gift for you~" Tyler said with a singing tone, holding out a bag for him. Curious, Evan took it and looked inside, after that his eyes twitched in anger. Evan sighed and threw the bag away from him, almost hitting Jonathan but he dodged skillfully.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Tyler yelled and grabbed the bag from the floor, walking up to Evan who has his arms crossed at the Uranus male.

"I'm not wearing that, Tyler." Evan said and heard Craig's and Brock's giggles making him feel betrayed.

"You let him buy that didn't you?! I feel betrayed..." Evan said at the two as they laughed out loud.

"Oh come on Evan! Just this time please?" Tyler asked as he made puppy eyes, which was a little rare for him to do. Evan sighed and took the bag, standing up and walking in the bathroom. Tyler silently shouted a yes as he pumped his fist down with excitement.

"What was inside Tyler?" Luke asked, giving him a strict stare as the said male only smiled mischievously at him.

"I think you would find it funny." Tyler only said making Jonathan and Luke glance at each other with worried looks. Finally when Evan was done, he only peeked his head out with a displeased expression.

"Do I have to come out?" Evan asked at the Uranus male, he only received a nod and an innocent smile. Evan groaned loudly and slowly show what he was wearing. There was a minute of silence until everyone bursted out laughing, except Luke and Jonathan who had disapproved faces. The Earth male was wearing a black t shirt with white words on it. Which said,

'Fuck you

"This is so stupid." Evan said with his hands on his hips as he looked at the laughing machines laugh their ass off at him. Luke came up to him and grabbed his ass, making Evan yelp and jump away from him.

"What was that for?!" He screamed at him with a blush and an angry but adorable look. Luke only smirked and Evan felt an arm go around his waist, caging him from going anywhere. Then a hand was on his right ass cheek and the hand squeezed it.

"H-Hey!" Evan shouted and managed to get away from the arm around him. He looked at the culprit to see Jonathan only had a blank expression.

"I don't think I agree with that statement on your shirt. You're not flat at all." Jonathan said and Evan's face flushed dark red, making all of the guys laugh again.

"You two are the worst..." Evan muttered out and sat down on the couch, crossing his arms against his chest.

"We'll we're just stating the fact." The two taller males said at the same time making Evan blush more.

"Shuch up!"

"Hey! I created that!" Jonathan pouted at him making Evan snicker at him.

"I don't care, it's mine now."

"You're a meanie."


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