Chapterr 11

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      So I finished working it was 11 pm at nighr. I was exhausted. I checked my phone because I keeped it on silent all day. There was 15 messages from Joe asking where am I. I decided to call him.


"Jason where are you I was worried sick!"

"I was working I don't know why you worried though"

"Because your my friend" He said in a sad tone.

"Anyways I'll be home soon"

"Okay bye"

       I walked out the hospital and saw Jordan standing there texting someone.

"Jordan what are you doing here?"

"Oh Hey I was just about to text you"


"I was gonna say to hang later"

"Oh well I'm out so what you wanna do"

"Well don't you think it's late?"

"Ya but it's not like I need to go no where" I totally lied I just didn't want to go to the hotel yet.

"Oh okay so let's go watch a movie!"

"What movie we gonna watch?"


"I love the trailer to that movie!"


"Ya let's go!"


       We got to the movies it was empty I figured that it was closed but it doesn't close till 12. Which it is 11:10.

"Can I get to tickets to Oculuas"

"Here you go that'll be 40 bucks"Said the lady giving us tickets.

"Jason do you want any food for the movie?"

"No thanks Jordan"

"Are you sure"


     My phone was vibrating like crazy I just looked at it and it was Joe I turned off my phone.

"Jason come on!"Said Jordan excited for the movie.


     We were Watching the movie. Like I said it was empty no one was there except 2 couples kissing in the corner.The movie was kinda scary. But I could tell Jordan was scared.

"Hey Jordan Why don't you sit with me?"

"Okay" He got up from his sit and sat on my legs. I wrapped my arms around him putting my sweater over him. He was blushing and he looked tired.

       The movie ended and Jordan was sleeping on me. I woke him up.

"Hey Jordan wake up"I said tickling he's nose.

"Huh what?"

"The movie ended"

"Oh I guess I was really comfortable and I fell asleep I'm sorry"

"Na don't worry about it"

       We went to are cars.

"So I had fun thanks for inviting me"

"No problem I hope we get to do this again soon"He said blushing.

      He so cute when he blushes. He started to walk to his car.

"Jordan wait!"


     I turned him around and kissed him on the check.


"Have a nice night Jordan"I said smiling.

"T-t-thank you , you to" He said blushing.

      We both left.


      I got to the hotel and I tried sneeking in for Joe won't hear me. I opened the door and put my kiss on the table. The  door closed behind me locking it self.

"Shit! I forgot it did that"

"Jason is that you?"


"Where were you?!"

"I went to work.."

"But you called 2 hours ago saying you left"

"Ya....I went to the movies with this guy I met at the hospital we saw Oculuas"

"Oh...Well I made you dinner it's in the microwave if you want it and are you sleeping in the bed tonight or morning should I say?"

"Ya I'll be there in like 20 min."


      That was ackward. I went to the dinning room finding the table all set up. The candles were burnt out and the roses were dying. I guess he was going to apologize. Damn I feel like a jerk right now. I decided to eat my food after I took a shower so I went to the bedroom and got my clothes and my towel then I went to the bathroom.

     I changed into my loneytoons pj pants and a blue sweater. I heated the food up and watched TV it was all grown up shows I didn't like so I went on to On Demand and put spongebob.

"Jason it's getting late come to bed"

"Oh Ya after this episode okay?"

"Can I join?"

"Ya sure"I moved to the other side of the couch and Joe sat on the other end.

"So was the movie good?"

"Ya it was kinda scary"

"Oh that's cool"

     I really felt ackward so I decided to go to bed.

"This episode taking long I'm going to bed okay?"

"Ya I'll be there"

    So me and Joe went to bed it was really weird he was on the left and I was on the right so far away from each other. I don't think I'm gonna last in this vacation for me.

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